Top content marketing statistics and facts

Do you know where or why the content marketing sector is moving? Since you won’t know how to modify your own content marketing plan for growth if you don’t.

Although you might have a gut feeling, concrete information is always preferable because it will enable you to create the ideal content marketing strategy and formulate your marketing budget.

Content marketing put to use

According to 97% of those who responded to a study, content creation has played a significant role in their entire marketing strategy.

Along with other telltale searches that firmly suggest content marketing is on the rise, also noticed a 22% spike in the search for “what is content marketing.”

The degree or complexity of the tactics also varied greatly at the same period.

The following are the main highlights of the conducted survey:

  1.  42% of respondents said they are just getting started with content marketing,
  2.  while 57% of respondents said they have a documented approach.
  3.  19% of respondents said they had an advanced strategy.
  4.  36% of respondents said their strategy was reasonably developed.

There is no doubt that businesses and brands are investing more in content marketing. However, a little less than half of the survey respondents said they were beginning to develop a content marketing strategy, so a sizable chunk of firms have a huge opportunity.

The success rate of content marketing

Content marketers from 20 industries and 40 countries were surveyed, and the results gave a very clear picture of the standards that can be applied to measure the performance of content marketing.

Here is what was discovered:

  • 73% of businesses that spend 10% to 70% of their total marketing budget on content marketing were very successful.
  • 46% of businesses with highly successful content marketing increased their paid content promotional budget in 2021.
  • 78% of those who believe their content marketing was very successful had a documented content marketing strategy.

These figures point to three fundamental elements of success: the significance of documentation, the need for increased financial resources to assist content marketing in particular, and the use of new (paid) channels for content promotion.

Having said that, the survey participants generally cited their personal success with content marketing:

  • 19% of businesses thought their content marketing activities were very successful
  • 33% thought they were fairly successful
  • 39% thought they were only somewhat successful

Less than a quarter of the businesses we surveyed thought their content marketing was “extremely successful,” yet when it came to the strategies that worked best for them, respondents generally noted similar patterns; such as:

  • 46% of those polled prioritized SEO
  • 41% concentrated on producing more video and visual content
  • 55% of successful content marketing strategies focused on enhancing the quality of content

Covid 19 for Content Marketing

Certainly, the pandemic had an impact on our life that we never could have predicted. It changed how we interacted with coworkers and customers, how we thought about how productive we should be at work, and how company continuity was handled in general.

Surprisingly, a certain conducted survey revealed that 30% of companies, both B2B and B2C, stated that the coronavirus and a prospective relaxation of restrictions will have no impact on their plans to implement a content marketing strategy in 2022.

The survey’s other noteworthy statistics included the following:

  • 30% of businesses will take part in a few offline events while concentrating on a few online events (such as webinars)
  • 30% aim to develop longer-term content strategies.
  • 26% of users will routinely host and go to in-person events.
  • Due to the relaxation of COVID limits, 26% of them intend to invest in expanding their team.
  • 20% of workers will switch to a hybrid or in-office style

The B2C content marketing scenario

Let’s compare the responses provided by content marketers targeting B2C and B2B audiences.

  • Just 5% of B2C marketers do not intend to have a content marketing strategy.
  • 65% of B2C marketers put the audience’s informational demands ahead of the company’s advertising or sales messages.
  • In 2021 and 2022, brief articles (less than 3 k words), films, and data visualization/3D models had the best performance.
  • According to B2C marketers who use unpaid social media sites, Instagram (39%) and Facebook (63%), together with LinkedIn (53%), delivered the best overall content marketing outcomes.
  • Only 22% of B2C marketers do not use channels for paid content distribution.
  • When developing content, 73% of B2C marketers use keyword research for SEO
  • Content Marketing scenario for the B2B sector

Here are some opinions from B2B marketers regarding their use of content marketing.

  • Just 7% of B2B marketers (a 3% rise from last year) do not intend to create a content marketing strategy.
  • The majority of B2B marketers aim to stand out from the competition by producing high-quality content (83%) and exploring unexplored subjects or angles (72%).
  • In 2021 and 2022, short articles (less than 3 k words), videos, and virtual events/webinars/online courses performed best for B2B content assets.
  • 87% of B2B marketers give the audience’s informational requirements precedence over the company’s sales and promotion communications.
  • 96% of B2B content marketers utilize LinkedIn.
  • 67 percent of B2B marketers employ channels for paid content delivery.
  • When developing content, 78% of B2B marketers use keyword research for SEO.

Interesting facts and statistics about content marketing

More than 60% of marketers produce content every day.

Keep this in mind to master content marketing:

The foundation of a successful business is consistency. Sometimes you have to work together.

You must commit enough time to content creation if you want to benefit from content marketing.

Businesses and marketers who put this on the back burner frequently have trouble generating leads, unless they have enormous marketing budgets. According to the survey mentioned above, getting leads won’t be nearly as difficult for the 60% of marketers who consistently produce at least one piece of content per day.

To reach a larger audience, businesses may use other marketing strategies like guest blogging, but maintaining their own site is still the most effective. A blog post, a lengthy article like the one you’re reading right now, a video, an infographic, or a podcast might all be considered as that one piece of content needed.

Traditional marketing is 62% more expensive than content marketing, which also produces nearly three times as many leads.

By putting resources (time and money) into content marketing, you can cut expenditures while generating up to three times as many leads as you would have with native or traditional advertising.

It’s time to consider your options and decide how to strike a balance between traditional advertising and content marketing. While traditional marketing can bring in leads and consumers, it cannot grow those relationships.

A smart content marketer understands that lead nurturing and brand visibility are two objectives that content marketing may assist their business accomplish.

Spending on content marketing is consequently rising year over year.

Smart businesspeople avoid putting all their eggs in one basket. For the best outcomes, they diversify their efforts. Therefore, it is not advisable to entirely stop using traditional marketing (because it can bring in quick sales). However, you should focus more on producing excellent content.

That is what will help you develop a successful consumer base over the long run.

78% of CMOs think that personalized content will dominate marketing in the future.

Along with the ongoing evolution of the web, audiences also change. Businesses and CMOs must evolve as well if they want to stand out in a world where social media noise has reached intolerable levels.

Learn as much as you can about your audience. To determine what each section of your subscribers and audience genuinely wants, if it’s possible, apply email list segmentation. Look into other blogs, forums, and any other locations where you think your prospects would congregate and interact. What issues are they debating? This is where custom content starts.

Then, set a goal for yourself to produce personalized content, which is content that is intended for a particular audience.

To conclude

Let’s keep in mind to interpret all statistics and facts with caution. The numbers are only broad generalizations of the world we live in. Additionally, they aren’t always methodologically sound: p-hacking, tiny sample sizes, and fictitious correlations are all rather prevalent.

Therefore, if you’ve just seen some data that goes against what you’ve learned from your professional marketing expertise, don’t suddenly abandon your content plan. Instead, look further.

Niranjana Dhumal
Niranjana Dhumal
A zealous technical content writer and the author of a list of diverse content online. Her creative and technical experience has given her a new form of writing experience with which her writeups accommodate the readers. As a people person, she believes in a perpetual commutation of information.

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