5 Applications of AI Content Generators in 2023

In 2023, 64.7% of businesses intend to incorporate artificial intelligence into their content marketing strategies. AI already plays a role in the content and marketing production processes for many, but using the technology for generating creative assets is gaining traction.

The growth of inbound marketing places a heavy burden on your team. They must maintain a steady pace, consistently pushing out high-quality, relevant, and helpful content. It’s a stressful and exhausting process.

We can relate. With the rise of AI in the marketing world, we quickly recognized its potential in content creation and began investigating and folding it into our processes and platform. Here are the five best ways to use an AI content generator and the pros and cons of doing so.

Marketing saw a 186% year-over-year growth in artificial intelligence use (including AI content generators) from 2018-2020.

Source: Salesforce

5 AI Content Generator Applications

While we don’t believe your writers will be out of a job any time soon, we think these five applications are the best way to put AI to work for your team.

1. Generate Topic Ideas

We’re guessing one of your team’s biggest challenges is coming up with an endless stream of topics relevant to your target audiences. An AI content generator can help them generate ideas for topics using themes or keywords.

Some tools produce a new list for a single theme or keyword each time you run the program. The output might not provide complete topics, but it gives your team a brainstorming head start, inspiring fully fleshed out ideas. Divvy’s platform includes a parking lot for ideas, so your team can drop the list there and return to it when they need to develop new content topics.

2. Create an Outline or Headings

Creating an outline gives creators the structure and direction they need to craft a piece. An AI content generator can handle this task much faster than humans.

With an outline, writers can focus on the meat, completing the content production process more quickly. The outline may also serve as the basis for the headings, though your creators might need to rephrase the section headings or run each one through the program again to generate catchy leads.

3. Produce a Rough Draft

While your team shouldn’t trust artificial intelligence to produce a polished piece that will appeal to your audience, they might find it handy for crafting rough drafts. Your creatives will still need to check the content for accuracy and add a human touch to the phrasing and flow.

An advanced AI content generator like Writer can train on your brand’s existing content to learn your brand’s voice. However, its content will still require a real person to ensure each piece is a high-quality reflection of your brand.

4. Provide an SEO Assist

Optimizing your content is the name of the game if you want it to rank on Google and other search engines. You can employ AI technology to improve your search engine optimization strategy.

Artificial intelligence gives you an SEO assist in a couple of ways. First, your team might want to use it to generate a list of related keywords and keyword alternatives to capture a broader range of searchers. Second, some AI content generators track your keyword usage and offer an on-page SEO score.

5. Craft Compelling Short Copy

Using a content generator is particularly helpful when you need to craft short content items with little effort from your creatives. We’re not talking about a short-form blog here. Instead, think of all the places where you use a short phrase or a few sentences, such as:

  • Email subject lines
  • Slogans or taglines
  • Ads
  • Social media posts
  • Image alt text
  • Meta descriptions and titles

Another option is using the technology to summarize or generate bullet points for existing text. These tools work fast, so if you aren’t excited about specific results, you can rerun the program until you get something that satisfies, while still investing less time than generating the content yourself.

Using Divvy’s platform, you can add meta within the content workspace. The information will live with the asset, making it easier for you to analyze performance, repurpose, or locate for a content audit.

AI Content Generator Pros and Cons

You might find the idea of using AI to help your team produce content both enticing and a little frightening. We get it. Though the technology is already a multi-billion-dollar industry, it is still a new player on the content marketing team.

The AI industry, including AI content generators, is worth nearly $2.5 billion and could grow to $1.8 trillion by 2030.

Source: Statista

Any reluctance you feel is warranted. As with any shiny new tool, you should understand the pros and cons before you begin wielding it to make your job easier. Without understanding the benefits and limitations, you risk creating more work for your team or harming your rankings and reputation.

The Upsides of Using a Content Generator

The most appealing benefits of AI technology are the significant boost in productivity and efficiency. This applies to incorporating an AI content generator if you use it to supplement human content creation.

These tools can shorten the time it takes to move from ideation to publication, helping you keep up with a hectic content production schedule. They also free up your team’s creative muscles to craft killer content that resonates with your audiences from the building blocks AI provides.

The Downsides of Relying on AI Tools To Craft Content

On the other hand, you can’t rely on a software program to produce ready-to-publish content. AI has several limitations to keep in mind, including:

  • It can’t convey the E-E-A-T factor Google holds in high regard.
  • It often produces sterile content.
  • It doesn’t know the difference between fact and fiction.
  • It can generate a lot of fluff.
  • It requires sufficient training and instructions to produce relevant content.

Though the folks at Google have waffled on the company’s stance on AI, their current stance is that they won’t necessarily penalize AI-produced content. However, AI isn’t likely to fulfill Google’s helpful content requirements without human involvement.

AI Content Generator Content Management

If you opt to incorporate an AI content generator into your content marketing toolbox, you need a way to streamline the process and manage your assets. DivvyHQ has your back. We designed our platform to meet the specialized needs of content, marketing, and communications teams. Request a demo today to see how we eliminate content chaos.

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