It shouldn’t come as a surprise that 56% of CEOs believe employee performance is their most pressing challenge given what companies have been through the last 18 months. That’s why many business leaders are investing significant time and resources to reset the mindset of their entire organization and elevate performance in the months, quarters and year ahead.

Your employees have an unwavering desire to feel connected; to be part of something bigger. They need to believe their work matters, and that they aren’t in it alone. However, today most employees feel more disconnected — physically and mentally — than ever before.

To right the ship, leading executives are putting intentional communication strategies and initiatives in place to reconnect and reenergize their workforce.

How can you do this at your organization?

You get back to the basics. You reconnect employees to the core of your business.

You restate your company’s purpose, the value it brings and why it matters.

For this to happen, your entire leadership team must refresh and reignite the strategic messages and intentional communication programs designed to bring your company story and strategy to life.

This requires a formal, sustained activation plan in support of your corporate purpose, mission and strategy. This plan must fully leverage messaging and communication channels to reengage, reconnect and reenergize remote employees across the country and around the world.

Do you need to reset your organization’s mindset? Do you want to reignite the forward-looking, positive energy required to move beyond the pandemic and take your business to new levels?
We can help. We will partner with your leadership team to develop and active a new story for your company. A story that aligns with your go-to-market strategy and unites your workforce.

Request a briefing with our experts today to learn how we can ensure you start 2022 strong and establish the connected, high-energy culture you need to deliver positive business performance in the coming year.

That’s Your OnMessage Minute.