Facilities maintenance people spend a lot of money. Somewhere in the dark caverns of your office building sits a supervisor in front of a computer researching new HVAC solutions, monitoring energy usage, updating preventative maintenance reports, and reading about the latest building code regulations.

But if you target his company with your HVAC solution, for every ad you place on the maintenance guy’s computer, you’ll place 1,000 ads to product engineers, mailroom workers, senior executives, and cafeteria workers. Yet these extraneous people’s sole behavior related to HVAC is to put the maintenance guy’s cell phone number on speed dial for when the office gets too hot.

So, how do you specifically target him (or avoid him if you don’t sell HVAC)? You target devices based upon the behavior of their users. That maintenance guy will visit websites that the mail room worker never will. Those actions create a digital body language revealing the HVAC-focused nature of that user. Network security folks have their own digital body language, as do employee benefits, accounting, sales and marketing people, and so forth.

Pick the profile of your buyer within the organization and advertise to them, not to the entire organization.


Do you know which specific companies are currently in-market to buy your product? Wouldn’t it be easier to sell to them if you already knew who they were, what they thought of you, and what they thought of your competitors? Good news – It is now possible to know this, with up to 91% accuracy. Check out Aberdeen’s comprehensive report Demystifying B2B Purchase Intent Data to learn more.