Kicking it Up a Notch: Direct Mail with USPS Informed Delivery®

If you’re in the business of Direct Mail, we’re sure you’ve heard of the USPS’ Informed Delivery® . This feature is where one receives an email every morning with digital previews of their mail scheduled to arrive at their home or office that day.

So why is this service wildly popular, and why should you have it on your radar?

– Informed Delivery®  email open rate is an average of 63.7%. Over 44 million people have signed up for Informed Delivery®  since 2017 (This number is growing daily!).

– It allows you to put your mail piece simultaneously in the digital and physical worlds.

– 4% discount on postage is available for a short time. To qualify, you MUST register by June 15. The mail that qualifies is Informed Delivery with a digital component to it. 2022 Informed Delivery Promotion | PostalPro (

In this webinar, our VP of Agency, Ramin Zamani, and our VP of Client Acquisition, Mackenzi Leinders, will cover how to implement and use this program to its full advantage. In addition, you’ll get the essential and more advanced tools and use case examples.