The A to Z Guide to Outsourcing Your Demand Generation and Sales

Demand generation and sales are critical to the success of any business. These long-term approaches to cultivating leads and ushering them through the sales funnel are what help convert a prospect to a customer. Maintaining a level of engagement with meaningful content that resonates with your audience will build interest, brand identity, and help you develop deep relationships with your audience.

98% of consumers won’t buy from you during their initial contact with your brand. That means you have to spend time nurturing those leads to prepare them to become a customer. Building and executing effective marketing and sales campaigns takes time and valuable resources not every company can afford. Sometimes, it makes sense to outsource demand generation and outsource sales to maximize your efforts and boost sales growth.

7 Reasons Why You May Want to Outsource Demand Generation and Outsource Sales

Outsourcing demand generation and sales provides numerous benefits to your company. It can save time spent on identifying prospects, qualifying leads, and scheduling meetings for sales calls. Outsourced lead and sales teams can work with your staff to create a more efficient customer lifecycle marketing strategy that helps you achieve your goals more effectively. Here are seven reasons why you may want to outsource demand generation and outsource sales.

1. Boost Revenue

A full-service company can increase sales growth while minimizing the strain on your budget. You can save money on internal hiring, training, managing, and keeping knowledgeable team members on staff. Professional services can quickly and efficiently launch campaigns and serve your customers all while representing your company and delivering results.

2. Maximize Time and Resources

When you hire a company to manage your demand generation and sales, you gain access to a full-time team whose mission is to sell your products and increase your profits. Your in-house team can be working on growing your business while a dedicated external team is using their experience and knowledge to bring you new customers that contribute to your growth.

3. Reduce Financial Risk

Many outsource companies will only charge you for the results they deliver. This means you’re taking on a very low-risk commitment. Any money you do spend on these efforts will be well worth the investment since you’ll be getting qualified leads and closed sales. This is more promising than hiring an internal team that may or may not deliver.

4. Rely on Diverse Experience

Not only does an outsourced lead generation and sales company have experience specifically in customer acquisition, these teams consist of people with a diverse portfolio who have undoubtedly encountered numerous scenarios. Chances are they’ve seen strategies succeed and fail, and have learned from these experiences along the way.

With just one team, you’re tapping into a pool of resources that know what works and who can efficiently and effectively help your company reach its goals.

5. Flexibility

For many internal teams, making swift adjustments to a sales and marketing strategy can be demanding and costly. Outsourced professionals are equipped to adapt to quickly-changing sales and marketing needs. They can expand programs or reallocate resources as needed to meet your budgetary restrictions while maximizing results.

6. Deliver Results Quickly

Identifying a formula for success takes a huge investment of time to develop, test, and adjust campaigns. Hired companies have this process down to a science and can create impactful programs quickly and efficiently. They’re able to gather data expeditiously, amend pricing, and build effective offers to incentivize customers and increase profits.

7. Work More Efficiently

In today’s workspace, many people are already wearing multiple hats and performing numerous job duties. Juggling the responsibilities of onboarding new customers and developing campaigns can be overwhelming for some departments.

Hired services gain a full understanding of your services and your goals. They’re prepared to mobilize teams and streamline the process of promoting your products and finding new customers for fast results. Outsourced marketing and sales teams work together to build a strategy that’s sure to work for your business.

Should You Outsource Demand Generation and Outsource Sales?

Not sure if outsourcing is right for you? Here is what to keep in mind when delegating demand generation and sales responsibilities.

When to Outsource

For many businesses, resources are limited. If your teams are already stretched thin, you may want to consider outsourcing some of their marketing and sales responsibilities. This may be a good option for your company if you’re experiencing either of these issues:

  • Your team is spread too thin: If you don’t have the manpower to staff a dedicated department for demand generation and sales, call on the experts to take over these responsibilities for you.
  • Your team doesn’t have the necessary skills: Generating leads and closing sales takes skill and talent. If your team isn’t trained in such tasks, it may be more cost-effective to hire an experienced professional than it would be to train your own people.
  • Your strategy entails cold calls and booking appointments: Reaching out to individual leads is time-intensive and laborious. By hiring an outside team to do this work for you, your team is free to focus their trained efforts on other aspects of growing your business.
  • Your proven strategy can be carried out by anyone: If you’ve mastered a plan with proven results, and all someone has to do is follow your example, outsource this service. Show an external team how it’s done, then leave this task in their hands so you can perform other duties.

When to Keep It In-House

Outsourcing isn’t always the most effective way to handle demand generation and sales. It would make more sense to keep these responsibilities in-house when:

  • Inbound marketing is successful: If you’re obtaining most of your leads through inbound efforts, you’re in good shape. These are people who are showing interest in your company by proactively contacting you for more information. All you have to do is follow up with them to close the sale.
  • You have a dedicated, full-time staff: For best results, you’ll need a team of at least two to three people whose sole purpose is to target leads, develop useful content, maintain your website, and schedule logistics. If you have an experienced staff for this purpose, there’s no need to seek outside help.

Rely on Televerde for Your Demand Generation and Sales Needs

Outsourcing demand generation and sales efforts saves your company time, money, and other valuable resources. Hire professionals with the experience and skills necessary to bring you lead generation and sales results.

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