Beginner’s Guide to FREE Content Syndication

Written by

Vikas Bhatt

free content syndication platforms

Do you wish to that your content should be read by millions of people out there? When you click publish do you go like this – Good news is, you can have it from the beginning and NO, I am not kidding. I am talking about free content syndication. Content syndication is a method of republishing content on other sites in order to reach a broader audience.   

At first, it sounds like copying content. Concerns about being penalized by search engines and by law suddenly start cropping in our heads.   

But, NO. Syndicating content does not equal to copying or plagiarizing. It is a MYTH and there are many more. For example, losing out of organic traffic or blocking crawler access. With these tips, content syndication can ACTUALLY double your blog’s growth.   

There are several tools for paid content syndication and thousands of resources that tell you how to syndicate content but don’t be overwhelmed. In this post, we will teach you how to syndicate content step-by-step without paying a penny.

Beginner’s Guide to FREE Content Syndication

Must Read: All you need to know about content syndication

Get a blog (if you don’t have one)

If you have a blog, you are already one step closer. In case you dont, start a blog so you can syndicate content in free of cost. However, if you are NOT an authority in your domain, syndicating content demands huge amount of efforts.   

Dont give up just because a few high-authority domain websites are not interested in your posts at first. The best way to increase authority is to establish yourself as a writer on other blogs. Write engaging (and fresh) blog posts for known websites (commonly called, guest posting). For example, if you are into IT/Tech, you can consider TechinAsia, TNW, TechCrunch etc. If you aren’t aware of high authority blogs in your domain, go to search engine and type your niche + write for us. If you have a particular website in mind, you can search contributing to forbes or guest post guidelines + TNW””.

Must Read: Generate leads using ABM content syndication

Decide where do you want to syndicate

Here is an extensive list of article syndicating websites. Ensure that your content is of interest to their audience. If not, you can always give a brand new angle to your content (for example, writing it for a very specific audience).  

Ensure that the website accept content syndication request

Once you have decided, browse their websites to ensure that they are STILL open to web content syndication requests.   You need to look out for something like this in their latest posts –  Once you have ensured that your targeted websites are open to content syndication, look out for your best-written post (read: most shared or commented on). Read this insightful article about content syndication metrics.

Get in touch with the editors

Shoot an email to the editor of the blog and keep it simple. You can get the email address on their contact us page. If not, you may want to check out their guest post guidelines or contributions page.   

According to Neil Patel, the one thing editors always look for in your pitch is PROOF. They need to be convinced that you are creating content that resonates with your audience. If not, your pitch might likely fail.   

Must Read: 10 Content Syndication Platforms You Should Know

UNLESS, you know them personally.   In Paul Jarviss terms It really is all about connections – just like any other aspect of business, it’s mostly who you know. If you dont know anyone directly, you can ask for a warm introduction if possible. Look up the editors on LinkedIn and see if you have any common connections. Your pitch can look something like this –

Syndicated content and SEO

 As per Google: If you syndicate your content on other sites, Google will always show the version we think is most appropriate for users in each given search, which may or may not be the version youd prefer.

You dont want the syndicated content to be ranked higher than yours. For this, you can  

Request the syndication partners to use rel=canonical:

Rel=canonical tag tells Google where exactly original content is. This helps the Google algorithm to decide which one should rank higher and which is the duplicate.  

NoIndex Tag:

This tag tells Google engine bots to NOT index the page. When a page is not indexed, it doesnt appear on search engine results.   Asking the syndication partner to include NoIndex will remove the syndicated copy from the results. You wont lose out on any organic traffic or fear the syndicated version might rank higher    

Ask for a backlink:

If none of this work, ask the syndicating website to for attribution. Similar to the images above.   Read. Write. Post. Syndicate. REPEAT.   Content syndication will give you desired results ONLY when it is repeated frequently.   

So go ahead and start syndicating content. But remember – an impressive portfolio is the first step towards a fruitful content syndication strategy.   Have you tried syndicating? What was your content syndication strategy?”

Must Read: 6 Content Syndication Networks that will Drive Traffic


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