Quality Vs Quantity Lead Generation: Who Wins The Race?

Written by

Vikas Bhatt

Quality Vs Quantity Lead Generation Who Wins The Race

Quality Vs Quantity is ever intriguing topic for a debate, and so is for the lead generation. Quality or Quantity, it depends upon your product, brand, industry, and marketing strategy. Whether you are looking for the number of names to fill your CRM systems or targeting the most qualified consumer who is more likely to purchase your product or services.

However, if we provide stats the picture might get some clarity, right? According to Convince and Convert 70% of the B2B marketers prefer quality over quantity.

From my point of view, for a business that is not yet mature or say not well established, their route to success lies in offering the best quality of their products and services.

Many Businesses admire quality over quantity. Your work industry or organization you belong to hardly matters. The sustainability and how good your business perform depend on the quality of the products, services or the data/information that a business share.

Owing to this lead generation industry, quality B2B leads are always preferred by most of the B2B marketers, imagine a case where you provide 1000 leads, but out of them only 2% wants to buy or purchase the product. In such case the resources you implemented and the cost and time behind the resources you devoted was that worth? Instead you should have provided only 100 leads but the solid ones, such as out of 100 at least 50 are the sure shot buyers. This saves your cost, time, and business too.

Quality Lead Generation

Here are some good points attached when you prefer Quality over Quantity.

1. Sustainability

When a business focuses more upon providing the best quality it gains the followers and it is bound to make a solid impression in the market. So, try not to involve junk leads into your list. This would increase the sustainability of your business.

2. Increase The Productivity

For any business to flourish planned strategies play a vital role. Strategies are built when you do the rigorous research and analyze the business points. A plan is strong when you focus more upon quality leads and this is bound to increase the business productivity.

3. Customer Loyalty And Satisfaction

“A satisfied customer is the best business strategy” – Michael LeBoeuf

Satisfied customers will help you rank the top of every entity. Businesses can leisure the success by gathering the huge customer bandwidth by concentrating on quality over quantity.

We understood the quality lead is extremely important for any business to grow, but if you do not generate many leads the ROI plummets and if you generate too many leads the sales and marketing chain will get disturb. What can be the option then? How about, balancing the quality and quantity of the leads generated.

Must Read: Why Quality Leads Are Vital For Your Business Growth?

Quantity Of Quality Leads

Quality Vs Quantity Lead Generation: Who Wins The Race
Quality Vs Quantity

Of course, this is the toughest part to deal with. But as the time evolves the lead generation methodologies also demands more clever ways to generate leads having quality and quantity both.

How can we achieve Quantity of Quality Leads?

The quantity and quality leads are not achieved in the single go. The steps are bit tedious to proceed but are executable. You cannot run from the very first step of achieving the balance between quality and quantity. It is like after so much discussion the ‘Quality’ again grabs the whole attention.

Quality Is Priority

In the initial stages of building the lead generation strategies, it is must to produce quality over the quantity. This is the only solution. Many B2B marketers first focus upon the quality qualified leads (Sales qualified or Marketing qualified) and once they set the foot and gain the customer’s loyalty next is the chase for quantity and in this way, they evolve the balance between the quantity and quality leads.

This depends upon your recipe of lead generation. How quickly you gain the attention of customers and build the loyalty with your clients totally depends upon your strategies.

Final Words

The evergreen debate, quality vs quantity is ceaseless. However, for the time being until you establish reputation in the market it is necessary for you concentrate upon quality leads instead of quantity. Gaining the balance between quality and quantity is the next phase of lead generation, which can be achieved after dedicating a period in focusing upon quality leads. But, once you start with the quantity, do not put quality at the back seat. Both quality leads and quantity leads must be at the front seats to drive the business efficiently.

So, have you decided who won the race?

Must Read: Lead Generation Best Practices and Examples

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