This week’s roundup of purchase intent data headlines explores industry goings on, ad spend, and Super Bowl LIII winning strategies (Not yours, Brady!) to glean intent data insights from digital channels.


Don’t Ram Your Way onto the Airwaves

When you think of Super Bowl ads, you probably think about TV, TV commercials, and hilarious TV commercials. Instead of stopping there, think like Tom Brady throws, and go a little farther.

According to this article, digital and TV channels can get wildly overcrowded and noisy in the leadup to and during the Super Bowl. It’s easy to pump up awareness for your campaigns, but it’s just as easy to get lost in the heightened activity surrounding the Super Bowl.

Lewis Gersh, CEO of PebblePost, suggests that brands double down on their efforts and couple their digital marketing with traditional tactics such as sending direct mail informed by verified intent data.

Gersh said the combination of digital and traditional marketing can lend greater impact to a campaign that might not flourish in the Super Bowl hubbub.


B2B Intent Data Applications and Future Predictions

This article on Forbes explores the challenges of collecting B2B purchase intent signals, the ways in which intent data providers synthesize insights from those intent signals, and predicts the future of B2B usage of intent data.

According to the post, only 25% of B2B companies report using intent data and monitoring tools.

The author, DiscoverOrg’s CEO Henry Schuck, said he has learned that those companies use intent data in three primary ways: to glean insight into active research conducted within their marketspaces; to weigh lead-scoring models to engage prospects who have emitted intent signals; and to gain insight into prospects’ needs and demands.

Schuck’s prediction of what intent data will deliver in the future is inspiring: “a go-to-market operating system” that uses intent signals to target who should be engaged and when.


Guide for Martech Spenders

This press release provides a rundown of what marketers can expect inside their downloads of Cardinal Path’s Marketing Analytics Buyer’s Guide 2019.

According to the article, the guide contains a shortlist of solutions that have reportedly delivered substantial business value for its Fortune1000 users. Check it out to see what the marketing analytics consultancy says about martech investments in solutions spanning purchase intent models, purchase intent analysis, SEO, content attribution, and more.


Let Buyer Intent Signals Help You Save Ad Spend

This press release discusses the results of a new study about obtaining and responding to customer sentiment in order to optimize the consumer ad journey, avoid wasting ad budget, and boosting brand perception metrics.

According to the report The Sentiment Driven Consumer Journey, sentiment-driven ad journeys improve a buyer’s all-around ad experience and improve brand perception. On average, the study found, 59% of ad impressions are wasted with standard video re-targeting.

As it turns out, waiting for a prospect to express purchase intent is the key: Suppressing ads for viewers who have not expressed any buyer intent signals can save an organization an average of $59K on a $100K campaign.

In the article, Chairman and CEO of ViralGains Tod Loofbourrow said, “Listen to the feedback that signals sentiment and purchase intent – when you optimize individual journeys at scale using first-party data and science, everyone wins.”

I would hazard an at-scale amendment to that sentiment; a verified third party can provide the data you use to find B2B buyers emitting purchase intent signals, and that same provider can help you hyper-personalize your engagements to provide that “sentiment-driven” buying journey.


Do you know which specific companies are currently in-market to buy your product? Wouldn’t it be easier to sell to them if you already knew who they were, what they thought of you, and what they thought of your competitors? Good news – It is now possible to know this, with up to 91% accuracy. Check out Aberdeen’s comprehensive report Demystifying B2B Purchase Intent Data to learn more.