According to data collected by the Pew Research Center, 77% of Americans now own a smartphone  — a 35% increase from 2011. What this suggests is that every year, more and more people in America are switching over to smartphones. With that being said, it is logical to conclude that developing a mobile app can help generate revenue for your business.

However, developing a mobile app costs a lot of money, so you want to make sure that you do in the most efficient way possible. One way to make sure that you are developing your app correctly is to use APIs. Simply put, APIs enable access to another party’s application or platform, which in turn, makes your app more reliable and simplified.

But how do you utilize APIs in developing your mobile app so it can perform at it’s highest capacity?

Choose the Correct API

Before you can begin implementing an API on your mobile app, you need to decide which type of API to use. There are many different types of APIs to choose from, but when it comes to developing apps, I would highly recommend that you choose a RESTful API. These type of APIs are particularly good for mobile apps because, unlike other APIs, the client and the server are both independent of one another. This means that the client has the capability of storing all of their responses within a cache, which in turn, helps improve your APIs performance. By using a RESTful API, your mobile app also becomes more scalable and easier to modify as well.

Use Basic Architecture

Using basic architecture is extremely important when you are trying to develop your API. The more basic your architecture is, the easier it is for your developer to create the API to fit your specific needs. If you use foreign architecture, you run the risk of your developer not knowing how to correctly build your API. When building a mobile app, using Pragmatic REST architecture is recommended. Generally speaking, this type of architecture is very common amongst developers and is easy for to understand. Try not to over complicate things, and only use architecture that most developers are familiar with.

Implement Layers for Your Architecture

Making sure that you are using basic architecture is not enough when it comes to the development of your API. You also want to make sure that you are implementing layers to it as well, which ultimately helps maximize your APIs effectiveness. The more layers that you have, the more effective your API becomes. There are four basic types of layers that are highly suggested: a security layer, a caching layer, a representation layer, and an orchestration layer. All four serve a different purpose, but are equally as important to have if you truly want to develop a great API.

Use a Server

Connecting your API to a server is the final step that you should take if you want to effectively develop your mobile app with an API. By connecting your API to a server, you will keep the users network data costs low, save the battery life on their phone, and make it easier for them to navigate your app. It benefits your developer as well because it saves time and allows them to outsource some of their work.

Just like choosing the right API in the first place, you need to make sure you’re choosing the right server. If you choose a server that’s too slow or has a tendency to crash, then you run the risk of your mobile app becoming slow, and crashing too frequently, creating a poor user experience. If you decide on the wrong server, it can have an inverse effect on your mobile app.

Constructing a mobile app is important in today’s business world. However, simply developing a mobile app for your business is not enough — you need to make sure that you are creating them with APIs. If you develop a mobile app without the use of APIs, you’re doing yourself a disservice. As long as you implement your mobile app with APIs and follow the above guidelines, your mobile app will become worth your while in no time.


Nick Andrew Rojas is a self-taught serial entrepreneur who has worked with various startups as a business consultant.  He’s also a journalist focusing on technology, marketing, and social media.