
What is Landing Page Optimization?

In simple words, Landing page optimization for Google Adwords is a part of Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). It aims at increasing the percentage of visitors on a website in order to convert them into sales leads or customers. Better optimization enhances the landing page quality which in turn, increases the Quality Score of your ad campaigns. As a result, the Cost of Conversion reduces (ROI increases) and your ad campaigns rank higher on Google.

So, what factor of landing page optimization influences the Quality Score on Adwords?

The answer is Landing Page Experience

A Good landing page experience can help you gain the trust of your customers. Google Adwords grades your landing page on the basis of user experience, when a visitor clicks through your ad campaign. To judge the landing page experience, it takes into account three basic points. They are Relevant and Original Content, Transparency and Ease of Navigation.

Google Adwords ranks your landing page experience on any of the three statuses: Above Average, Average and  Below Average. You can check the landing page experience status in your adwords account (Keywords tab- status bar- speech bubble).

Now that we have fairly discussed about landing page experience, let’s focus on few points about how to optimize landing pages for Adwords so that ranks as above average or atleast, average (Don’t worry average is not as bad as it sounds).

Below is a checklist of essential points necessary to be implemented for a better landing page optimization:

1. Relevance and Original Content:

Landing page optimization checklist tickMake your landing page message clear and relevant to the ad campaign.
Landing page optimization checklist tickCreate your landing page using the same focused keyword as that of the ad campaign.
Landing page optimization checklist tickThe overall SEO of the landing page must have the same keywords & objectives.
Landing page optimization checklist tickUseful information and special features of the offer should be highlighted.
Landing page optimization checklist tickAdding some real reviews or testimonial of your customers helps boost your credibility.

2. Transparency:

Landing page optimization checklist tickProvide contact information clearly on the landing page (preferably above-the-fold)
Landing page optimization checklist tickGenuinely collect your visitors details and openly share information about what you do.

3. Ease of navigation:

Landing page optimization checklist tickMake sure you do not confuse the visitor with too many links on the landing page.
Landing page optimization checklist tickDo not make your visitor hunt around for information they need.
Landing page optimization checklist tickGive one distinct CTA and let people know what to expect on the other side of the click.

Google Adwords reviews your ad campaigns and landing pages regularly. So use the above checklist to make significant improvements in your landing page experience. You will definitely see higher Quality Score and better results over next few months.

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