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How to Make Professional Email Templates With Quizzes [+Examples]

Research has revealed that 81% of marketers agree that interactive content draws more attention when compared to static content. 70% of them even say that interactive content is more effective at converting site visitors.

Quizzes in email marketing can work as an advanced data collection technique and help you get user-generated content by serving as an effective interactive feature.

Your subscribers are flooded with hundreds of emails every day which means your content can easily get lost in the pool. This makes it imperative to create impactful professional email templates that help you stand out.

Moreover, the attention span of your subscribers is constantly dwindling.

Professional Email Templates

Therefore, including a quiz in emails can pique the subscriber’s curiosity and take your email engagement to the next level.

Advantages of Adding Quiz in Email Campaigns

1. Understand your target audience better

You can use a quiz in emails as a lead funnel to gather more information about your target audience. Rather than using a long sign-up form with too many fields, you can take the help of interactive quizzes in emails. This will prompt the subscribers to share their information without overwhelming them with too many questions.

2. Assist your list segmentation efforts

Once you have more information about the subscriber, a good quiz tool can help you carry out micro-segmentation based on advanced parameters such as age, gender, occupation, income, marital status, location, device used, choices, preferences, and needs.

This leads us to the next point of “personalization”…

3. Hyper-personalize and send targeted emails

By micro-segmentation, it becomes easier to send targeted emails that are aligned with the customer’s journey and preferences.

For instance: If you are a marketer in the food industry, such as the cheese market, you can hyper-personalize the emails based on the type of cuisine your subscribers prefer.

But how will you figure that out? Of course, by first sending a quiz like “Which quiz best describes your mood?”. It will, in turn, strengthen your overall email marketing strategy.

4. Enhance subscriber engagement

Adding an interactive quiz in the professional email templates will encourage the subscribers to participate and respond to the questions. As a result, it will boost your subscriber engagement and even increase the time spent reading your email. Eventually, it will improve your email deliverability rate and sender reputation too.

5. Yield a higher conversion rate

As interactive quizzes impart a delightful experience to the subscribers, it will enhance your brand reputation and tempt them to purchase from you. Moreover, you can show your product recommendations in the result section of your quiz. And that can result in direct conversions.

Professional Email Templates

How to Prepare Quizzes for Emails

While preparing your quiz for email campaigns, you must take care of a few crucial things. If you’re just starting out, check out these tips and best practices:

Professional Email Templates

1. Type of questions

Frame your questions in such a way that the responses received help you segment the list. They must be easy to answer and have different types of questions like single-select, multi-select, opinion scale, numeric slider, ranking, text input, etc. to avoid monotony. Moreover, make your questions fun and interesting, and not look like some entrance examination question paper, so that people stick till the end.

2. Visuals

Try to add visuals like images, GIFs, and videos that grab the subscriber’s eyeballs and help them choose the right answer. Visuals are known to evoke emotions and boost engagement rates.

3. Number of questions

6 to 10 questions work best for email quizzes as they would not take more than three minutes to complete. Going beyond this number might decrease the completion rate of your quiz.

4. Result Section

The result of the quiz is as important as the choice of questions and overall subscriber experience. Your quiz must make sense to your readers and provide them with real-time value.

Here’s an example to inspire you.

Booking.com uses an interesting quiz to help website visitors to decide the beach destination for their next trip.

Professional Email Templates


On completing the quiz, the users instantly get the results based on their responses.

Professional Email Templates

5. Share Button

To enhance the performance of these emails even more, you can create shareable results. Let the users share their results with their family and friends with the help of share buttons. In addition, you can also include a “Forward to a friend” link and influence the subscribers to spread the word.

6. Thank You Page

Lastly, thank your audience for taking the quiz. In fact, this is the opportunity where you can incentivize them to share the quiz on their social media channels. Some brands even give an option to retake the quiz which further enhances the subscriber engagement.

How to Embed a Quiz in Professional Email Templates?

With the help of a tool like Outgrow, you can create different types of interactive content including quizzes, and send it to your email subscribers.

Outgrow is a no-code quiz maker platform that allows you to create a quiz from scratch or select from a wide range of templates.

Here’s what the interface looks like:

Professional Email Templates

Step 1 –

Here, you will be able to pick the quiz layout of your choice according to your industry and business type. This builder even lets you preview the templates across different devices like desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. If everything looks good and matches your preferences, you can go ahead.

Professional Email Templates

Step 2 –

The next step will be to edit the logo, questions, answer options, and other editable components in the quiz.

Professional Email Templates

Step 3 –

Once you are all set with the quiz, go to the “Configure” tab and select the “Launch in an email” option.

Professional Email Templates

Based on the Mass Email Service Providers (ESP) you are using, you will have to select the integration and lead gen fields in order to get your lead data and details stored. You will be able to copy and paste the code in your email solutions application to embed and make the quiz work in the professional email templates.

You can now test the email and schedule it to finally send it out to the world.

Important Points to Remember:

1. Monitor the analytics and see which email clients are most popular among your subscribers.

2. You must give proper fallback for the non-compatible email clients as some of them might not support advanced functionalities such as a quiz embed. This is one of the most basic email design best practices.

To elaborate, you must add suitable fallback content or images that will make your interactive email accessible for every subscriber irrespective of the email client they are using.

Take a look at this example by Pret to understand how fallback will enable flawless rendering of the email.

Professional Email Templates


Having discussed all the fundamentals, we shall now see a couple of examples with quizzes embedded as interactive elements.

Let’s Get Inspired

Example 1:

Take a look at this professional email template by Channel 4. They have embedded a quiz right inside the email to boost their subscriber engagement during Valentine’s Day.

The best part about embedding a quiz in emails is that the user can take the quiz without being redirected to the landing page. This increases the conversion rate multifold.

Professional Email Templates


Example 2:

GoDaddy allows users to find out their ideal site builder with the help of an interesting embedded quiz in their email campaign.

It helps the user understand whether they would need professional web services or a AI website builder.

If you are in the B2B sector, such quizzes can work like a charm to impress your subscriber base.

Professional Email Templates


Example 3:

For eCommerce email marketers, it is a wonderful idea to send out relevant product recommendations to upsell and cross-sell. You can take a different approach and send out interactive quizzes in the triggered emails like cart abandonment emails or post-purchase feedback emails. Such professional emails impart a personalized experience and leave a profound impact on the subscriber’s mind.

Here’s an example of how to do it and yield maximum conversions:

Professional Email Templates

Wrapping Up

Finally, it is important to understand that all your customers might not be able to resonate with every quiz that you send. So, you must take the trial-and-error approach to see what kind of questions and layout work best for your subscribers.

The best way to do that is by keeping an eye on the analytics to figure out which questions were the most popular with your target audience.

If you think that your emails are getting too drab and boring, you can certainly experiment with this interactive element and see how it goes.

Need any help with incorporating quizzes in emails?

Outgrow can be the perfect platform for you.

About the Author

Kevin George is Head of Marketing at Email Uplers, one of the fastest growing custom email design and coding companies, and specializes in crafting professional email templates, PSD to HTML email conversion, and free responsive HTML email templates in addition to providing email automation, campaign management, and data integration & migration services. He loves gadgets, bikes, jazz, and eats and breathes email marketing. He enjoys sharing his insights and thoughts on email marketing best practices on his blog.

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