Programmatic advertising takes a huge leap forward once you add Best-in-Class intent analytics.

Compared to traditional Profile Programmatic advertising, where ads are targeted to a company profile (company size, industry, geography or uninformed Target Account List), Intent Programmatic advertising gauges the intent of the account by aggregating the digital footprint of all devices showing intent. The result: ad response rates soar!

In AB Tests, the same ad creatives and landing pages using Best-in-Class Intent Programmatic ads consistently perform twice as well as Profile Programmatic ads, in terms of click-thru, view-thru, and spend/conversion.

Why is this so? Well, it’s a math thing. All the KPIs are ratios. Intent Programmatic drives up the numerator while driving down the denominator. Here’s how.

  1. Best-in-Class Intent Programmatic avoids placing ads on devices that aren’t showing intent (down goes the denominator). Profile Programmatic can’t tell the difference, so to target a company, it must place ads on all devices within the company’s IP range just to hit the relatively few who are involved in the purchase decision.
  2. Best-in-Class Intent Programmatic avoids placing ads on devices that show a fraudulent intent pattern (down goes the denominator). Without Intent Programmatic, these bad actors eat up impressions (driving up the denominator) while creating false clicks on the ad (misrepresenting the true numerator).
  3. Best-in-Class Intent Programmatic includes AI/ML to know where an account stands in the buyer journey. Ads, then, can be staged to be more relevant at the right time: nurturing – early; endorsement – middle; vendor-sort – late. Response rates thus increase (driving up the numerator). Profile Programmatic can’t detect the stage of the buyer journey (or if there even is one), so it must serve a generic, less relevant ad to everyone (which bottoms out the numerator).

Is your Intent Programmatic strategy Best-in-Class? Can it accurately avoid irrelevant or fraudulent impression placement? Or tune your ad to the buyer’s journey? Or target specific devices of decision makers in an organization and deliver ads at the moment of active research? If not, you’re competing with one hand tied behind your back – and industry leaders will likely reach your buyers before you can.


Do you know which specific companies are currently in-market to buy your product? Wouldn’t it be easier to sell to them if you already knew who they were, what they thought of you, and what they thought of your competitors? Good news – It is now possible to know this, with up to 91% accuracy. Check out Aberdeen’s comprehensive report Demystifying B2B Purchase Intent Data to learn more.