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Interview with Moni Oloyede

by | Jan 18, 2018 | Interviews,

Moni Oloyede

Moni Oloyede

Marketing Technology & Marketing Operations Specialist

Key Topics:Martech, Marketing Operations
Location:Bethesda, MD, USA

Moni is a Marketing Operations specialist with 10 years of Marketing Technology experience.  She has worked with all the major marketing automation companies – Marketo, Eloqua, HubSpot, and ExactTarget. She has a proven track record in integrated marketing, especially with establishing digital presence through SEO optimization, lead generation process, and website optimization.

How did you get to become an expert in martech?

My first job out of college (in 2007) was with a cybersecurity firm in Columbia, MD and they were actively using Eloqua to manage their email marketing programs and to track and qualify their leads. They were an early an adopter of martech practices such as lead nurturing, lead scoring and dynamic content. These things are common place now but in 2007 they were very new, and few companies were deploying them. I got the opportunity to become an Eloqua power user and then that company switch to Marketo and then I became a Marketo power user.

What areas of martech are you most passionate about?

I’m very passionate about marketing operations. I’ve learned through over my 10 years of experience in digital marketing and the Martech space, that campaigns and tactics without process and procedures are destine to fail. I am very passionate about data management, lead management, sales qualification processes and marketing analytics. Marketing teams can’t become successful when these processes are broken or nonexistent. I think one of the biggest misconceptions about lead management is that leads move themselves down the funnel. No, leads are pushed down the funnel. Marketers need to have the right triggers, qualifications criteria and content to move leads down the funnel and it’s the operations that makes that push effective.

Which martech influencers influence you?

I love Scott Brinker. He’s famous for mapping the Marketing Technology Landscape. There is often a lot of noise around Martech, everyone is looking for the next big thing, whether it be AI, ABM, Machine Learning, etc. I think Scott is very good at cutting through the BS and explaining how new tools and/or concepts will or will not affect the Martech space.

Outside of martech who else influences you?

I really like Ann Handley & MarketingProfs who focuses on B2B marketing in general, Rand Fishkin of Moz, who specializes in SEO, Neil Patel for general digital marketing tips, especially around demand generation, Kim Garst for social media tips and Gary Vaynerchuk for general business advice.

What are going to be the key developments in the industry in the next 12 months?

I think there’s going to be a major focus on data, specifically automated data management. Whether its predictive, machine learning or data science, data management will play a major role in 2018. The major concepts like Account Based Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, personalized content, Blockchain, etc. all require clean/standard data to work effectively. Marketers will realize they can’t take they’re marketing efforts to the next level without addressing their data issues.

If a brand wanted to work with you, what offline / online activities would you be most interested in?

I open to anything. I’ve spoken at Eloqua and Marketo conferences, I’ve beta tested Martech tools for many companies and I’ve written blogs for other publications. I’m very passionate about the Martech and digital marketing space so I’d be willing to work with any brand that shares that passion.

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?

LinkedIn is probably the best way to reach me or on Twitter @MoniOloyede