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If you’ve been working on your brand’s online presence, you probably have a Google Analytics account associated with your website and blog.

And if you’ve ever explored your Analytics account, you know that you can access a lot of data and statistics.

Our question is, do you know how to use all of those numbers to boost your digital marketing efforts? Navigating through Google Analytics might seem a bit daunting at first, but the truth is that each of the metrics it has is there for a reason and you should make the most of that.

So, keep reading to learn about eight Google Analytics reports that can help you improve your social media pages and blog!

The Importance of Google Analytics Reports for Social Media Management and Blogging

There’s a lot of creativity involved in managing a brand’s social media pages and blogs. You come up with unique ideas that will make you stand out from the competition and then it’s time to get to work.

But if that creativity isn’t backed up by numbers, it’ll probably not go that far.

That’s exactly why checking your Google Analytics reports is so important when working on your blog content and social media pages. By knowing which metrics to pay attention and how to interpret them, you can:

  • Improve your social media management

Understand which of your social media campaigns are working (that is, leading users to do what you intend them to do) and which are not showing results on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Understand which target audiences respond to your campaigns and which don’t. 

Social Media
Image Source: Pexels

  • Improve your blog and website

Understand which type of post (both in terms of format and topic) seems to attract and retain more users. Understand how effective your blog is as a lead magnet.

8 Google Analytics Reports You Should Consider

Now that you know how these reports can be useful, it’s time to know which reports exactly you should be exporting and analyzing. The following eight are some of the most powerful ones for social media and blogging, and we’re going to explain why.

1. Demographics

What it tells you: Relevant information about the users who visit your website.


How to get there: Audience > Demographics > Overview

Your audience isn’t always the same. It changes over time and always knowing who is visiting your website (their demographics, interests, and behavior) will help you understand how to craft your message in a way that speaks to them, for social media, for blog posts, and even for newsletters.

2. Social Media Traffic 

What it tells you: How many of your website’s visitors come from social media.

How to get there: Acquisition > All Traffic > Channels

There are many ways users can get to your website. Perhaps they got to you through a Google search, perhaps to a link on another website, or perhaps… through your social media. This report lets you know which percentage of your traffic comes from social media, letting you know if your efforts are paying off or not.

3. UTM Campaign Results

What it tells you: How many visits a specific campaign generates.

How to get there: Acquisition > Campaigns

A UTM parameter is a bit of text you can add at the end of a link that you’re using for a certain campaign, which lets you track how well that campaign goes. By checking a UTM campaign results report, you can not only find out how many people clicked on the link, but what they did once they got to your website (if they left, if they stayed for a long time, if they converted, etc).

4. Social Media Conversions

What it tells you: Which of your social media pages generated a conversion.

How to get there: Acquisition > Social > Conversions

Measuring the ROI of your social media efforts isn’t always an easy task but it’s reports like this one that allows you to get a good idea of how much return you’re getting. This report lets you know where a certain conversion by social network came from, as well as its conversions value.

5. Landing Pages Social Media

What it tells you: Which pages on your website users share the most.

How to get there: Acquisition > Social > Landing Pages

Your website has several different pages and each of them performs differently. This report lets you know which of your posts users are sharing on their social media profiles, which helps you understand which type of content you should keep producing, as well as which you should promote through paid ads.

Social Media
Image Source: Pexels

6. Social Users Flow

What it tells you: How users who come from social media channels navigate through your website.

How to get there:  Acquisition > Social > Users Flow

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From the moment they click on to your website to the moment they click off, each of your visitors goes through their own paths while exploring your pages. Learning about the users’ flow is useful because it will give you powerful insights into their user behavior and help you adjust your online presence accordingly.

7. Goal Flow Report

What it tells you: Which are the best paths to help you reach your goals.

How to get there: Conversions > Goals > Goal Flow

Each social media campaign you create must have a goal, otherwise, you won’t know what’s the best direction to take. This report allows you to understand which paths in your website are most effective in achieving said goals and, from there, you can update certain pages in order to influence your visitors’ user behavior.

8. Backlinks 

What it tells you: Which third websites generate traffic to your blog.

How to get there: Behavior > Site Content > Landing Pages

Having links to your social media blog on high-quality, relevant, authoritative third websites is one of the best ways of boosting your traffic. This report will help you monitor your organic reach and find out websites you can get in touch with to get even more good backlinks.

Social Media
Image Source: Pexels

Mastering Your Social Media Management and Blogging

Creating social media posts or blog pieces and putting them out there isn’t difficult. With a little bit of creativity and some time on your hands, you can do without a problem.

However, blogging and managing your social media platforms with strategy on top of creativity is what will take your online presence to a whole new level. If you need a hand with this task, DrumUp can always help you – start your free trial today!