Fixing my 2 biggest business problems - Locally unknown and a great product to offer

Jeff Ogden, President of Find New Customers and winner of many marketing awards is very well known nationally, but unknown locally.

Since I was the Creator and Host of Marketing Made Simple TV and I interviewed so may famous people, the world knows Jeff Ogden, but Tampa area does not.

However, I had two serious  business problems:

  1. I’m the “invisible man” locally
  2. What can I offer to help local businesses?

Let’s explore how I solved both of those problems:

The Invisible Man problem

My current community of Tampa/St. Petersburg does not know Jeff Ogden, because I recently moved down here after my nasty fall and injury. They don’t know me and don’t care and I fully understand that.

The solution to the “invisible man” problem

Start turning over rocks!TurningOverRocks

  1. Met Gary Bender at a Vistage meeting
  2. Gary is impressed with my massive twitter followers (@fearlesscom) and asks me to breakfast. (Follow m at @fealesscomp on Twitter too.)
  3. Gary tells me I need to meet Barry Foster, a local business coach.
  4. Barry invites me to a meeting and I join the St. Petersburg  Chamber of Commence.
  5. Barry sends me a nice email. “You will no longer be the invisible man.” and invites me to the New Member meeting of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce. Barry is my local guide to the area.

This is exactly what I need,  Barry.

Now I’m a member of the St. Peterburg Chamber of Commerce, as well as the President of the Business Marketing Association of Tampa Bay, which I founded.

The What to Offer in Florida? problem

I’m the new business partner of Likeable Local too.  My friends at Likeable Local are working hard for me, with access to Find New Customers logo and Facebook page too. They are a great social marketing company in New York City led by Dave Kerpen,, a New York Times best-selling author too. Dave and his team are awesome and  they  fix problem two, Something to sell.

The future of Find New Customers is bright indeed, thanks to turning over so many rocks here.

What do you think? We love comments (Not SPAM) and those who share on social media too.

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