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Interactive Content Ideas For All Types Of Marketing 

Marketing isn’t unidimensional. There’s no one way to go about it. You can have different strategies, metrics, and tools to work on different kinds of marketing. But one thing that you can fit in everywhere is – interactive content for all types of marketing. Interactive content is your main weapon in the artillery. It is engaging, attractive, and informative. And you can use it everywhere. Let’s have a look at how you can take advantage of interactive content for all types of marketing.

1. Content Marketing

What is content marketing? In layman terms, content marketing is simply the process of creating and distributing quality content to drive profitable customer action. And this quality content comes in various forms.

Guides And Statistics

Creating guides, statistics, etc. are a great way of attracting leads and customers. They are not only informative but carve out your image as an expert in their minds. Interactive content also makes it easy to optimize your long-form posts. You can always include a quiz or an assessment to ensure that your readers engage with your posts. For example, suppose you are writing a long-form post about marketing strategies. You can easily include a quiz about whether one should hire a PPC agency or go inhouse on it! This would make your post more interactive and increase activity on your post.

Here’s an example of mint.com, whose blogging is what helped them raise their profile and bring in new business. Mint.com used news, tips posts and articles to establish themselves as a resource. And a company that could have easily sunk as a failed startup, ended up selling itself for $170 million, because of this content strategy.

Interactive Content Ideas For All Types Of Marketing

Podcasts And Webinars

Podcasts and webinars are no less when it comes to creating a good content marketing strategy. Almost 65% of users are more willing to consider products and services after hearing about them through a podcast. And as for webinars, we at Outgrow are holding a webinar on ‘How Interactive Content Can Boost Your Social Media Ads’. Register for it and see for yourself how webinars are great for your content marketing strategy. You can also improve your podcasts and webinars using polls in-between them. You can ask a question about the podcast/webinar or just gather feedback on your content. This keeps the listeners hooked and prevent them from losing interest.

Interactive Video

There’s nothing better to hold an audience that a good, interactive video. Buzzfeed Tasty used Eko to create attractive, engaging videos about food recipes. They even used these videos to help them sell their ingredients. It was a genius idea, hands down.

Interactive Content Ideas For All Types Of Marketing


Other Interactive Content Types

Interactive infographics and whitepapers and about giving out valuable data. Infographics are more of a short, graphical representation on the topic. On the other hand, whitepapers are a report or a guide on a complex issue. They are a great way of attracting your audience and boosting engagement.

Newsletters too are a great way of nurturing your leads and retaining your customers. This kind of interactive content is great for educating your customers about your product.

Related Read: How Interactive Content Can Boost User Engagement

2. Social Media Marketing 

Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service. And there are so many ways in which you can use interactive content to strategize your social media marketing.

Customer interaction is the biggest advantage that comes out of interactive content. Using polls, calculators, outcome quizzes and assessments are a great way of engaging your audience. They can be used as posts on your social media platforms. Moreover, they can also be used as display ads to drive users to your landing pages.

The biggest example that comes to mind when we think of interactive content for social media is, of course, Buzzfeed! It’s almost embarrassing the amount of time we have spent taking random Buzzfeed personality tests. In fact, this quiz by Buzzfeed actually got viewed more than 22 million times!

Social Media

This kind of content tends to do great on social media. It leverages a curiosity gap of the user and a promise of a sense of greater self-understanding. It offers information to the user and develops a factor of trust, thus improving their experience with you. Here’s another example of Walmart using interactive content to improve their social media presence. With one ‘Share v/s Like’ post on Facebook, they witnessed a 650% increase in their Facebook likes.

Interactive Content Ideas For All Types Of Marketing

3. Search Engine Marketing 

Search Engine Marketing is the kind of marketing that involves increasing the visibility of your website by optimizing your search engine results through paid advertising. And even though not everyone talks about interactive content when it comes to SEO, you’d be surprised to see how it charms its way here too!.

One of the most important aspects of SEO is dwell time. Dwell time is the duration between when a user clicks on a search engine result, and when the user returns from that result or is otherwise seen to have left the result. Interactive content is a great way of increasing the dwell time on your website. Using chatbots, calculators, outcome quizzes, etc. on your website keeps the user engaged and increases dwell time. This improves your search engine ranking.

Chatbots too help users navigate to different sections of the site which increases the number of pages visited. In fact, 63% of online users talk to a chatbot without being aware of it.

Check out this chatbot created by Outgrow.

Interactive Content Ideas For All Types Of Marketing

4. Relationship Marketing 

Relationship marketing is all about engaging with your customers. Business isn’t about selling a product or a service, but an experience. Therefore, it is important to provide your customers with the most satisfaction. And interactive content comes to the rescue here again!

A great way of improving your customers’ experience on your website is by using chatbots. Chatbots help in providing instant and accurate communication with your users. Moreover, they also help you in reducing costs. This reduces the workload on your personnel as well. Leads in all stages of the funnel can take the help of chatbots to get their queries answered.

Another way of nurturing your leads in using surveys to follow up on their experience. It helps them give feedback about your product/service and voice their opinions on their experience. It makes them feel heard and valued. Here is an example of a feedback survey by Outgrow that it uses for feedback from its customers.

Relationship Marketing

5. Account-Based Marketing 

ABM or Account-Based Marketing, on the other hand, is an extremely focused business strategy. It aligns and concentrates sales and marketing efforts only on those particular companies and contacts that have a higher probability of purchasing its products or services. And interactive content is helpful in finding out these high profitability areas. Interactive content also helps in differentiating between leads with a high purchasing intent and a low one. For example, an automobile company can use the quiz, ‘Are You Ready To Buy A Car?’ to be able to segment more qualified and ready leads.

Interactive content creates data-capture opportunities and generates marketing-qualified accounts. You can use calculators and quizzes to ask key, qualifying questions to understand your prospects better. You no longer have to guess what actions on your website mean. For example, a construction company can use a quote calculator like this to find their target audience. The company can identify who fits the right buyer persona and will deliver the maximum profits.

Cost Calculator

You can also interactive content to educate your high-value accounts. And is also a great way to convince and convert your customers.

6. Influencer Marketing 

Influencer marketing is a form of social media marketing involving endorsements and product placements from influential people/organizations, in their respective fields. And the best way to use interactive content in this kind of marketing is through giveaways and coupons.

Influencer Marketing

Giveaways and contests are a great way of increasing reach on social media and attracting new accounts. Apart from that, it also contributes to lead generation and brand building. Such kind of interactive content is cost-saving but very effective. It builds a conversation between you and your audience. Not only do you advertise your products in the most subtle way, but also engage with them. It also helps in pushing your leads from the top to the middle of the funnel.

7. Referral marketing 

Referral marketing is a method of promoting products or services to new customers. It can be done through referrals, usually through word of mouth. Coupons are the best kind of interactive content that helps in referral marketing. Coupons encourage your old customers to refer you to new leads by leveraging a discount or offer on their next purchase.

This increases your reach and widens your audience. Apart from that, it also nurtures your old customers and encourages them to make the next purchase. It develops a sense of loyalty within your old customers and improves your customer retention rate.

Here is an example of Dropbox’s referral program that did wonders to its conversion rates. Dropbox successfully churned up a referral system that got successful like no other! According to founder/CEO Drew Houston, referrals increased signups by 60%, permanently. That’s a 40x increase. In April 2010, Dropbox users sent 2.8 million direct referral invites!

Interactive Content Ideas For All Types Of Marketing

8. Holiday Marketing 

The holiday season comes with its own set of great holiday marketing. And interactive content for all types of marketing is your mistletoe for this season. It’s no Black Friday sale, we know. But it has its own benefits!

Giveaways and coupons do great every holiday season. Businesses and consumers are always looking for discounts and giveaways amidst the holiday spirit. You can also use assessments and Outcome quizzes as a way of offering discounts to people. This increases purchase intent, and in turn, sales revenue. It helps you resonate your brand image with your customers. It also makes you more approachable.

Here’s an infographic that Outgrow created that talked about 12 great Christmas promotional ideas. This kind of interactive content is extremely attractive and engages the user.

9. Event Marketing 

Interactive content can also help you engage your audience at events. It can help you increase your brand awareness, both at the booth and in your speech. You can use various kinds of interactive content for the same.

Using ROI calculators are a great way to generate more leads. They also provide value-based information to your audience. Apart from that, contests are another great way of engaging them. Using assessments and tweets can help you attract a lot of attention from your users. And polls and surveys are another great way of gathering feedback from the same. You can promote your event speech or booth with outcome quizzes as well. Interactive content is inherently engaging in nature and tends to go viral on social media channels. Have a look at this interactive poll by Outgrow for the MozCon Event in 2017.

Interactive Content Ideas For All Types Of Marketing

10. Affiliate Marketing

Interactive content performs well when it comes to creating partners and affiliates. Affiliate marketing is like referral marketing, except it’s all business. Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts.

And interactive content is a great way of finding such affiliates. An ROI calculator is one of the simplest ways to attract affiliates. It would help them understand what they stand to gain by associating with your product.

Interactive content helps attract affiliates through such value-based templates. The Outgrow Idea Generator is another tool that helps organizations get ideas. Mostly about the kinds of experiences they should make depending upon their industry.


You can use interactive content for all types of marketing. That’s done and dusted for sure. Marketing isn’t easy, we know. What to create, how to create, who to target – these are questions we struggle to answer all the time. But no matter what kind it is, interactive content has helped us out. And we’re sure it will do the same for you. So if you have any other questions, we’re right here for a good talk!

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