The Importance of Personalization in BtoB Marketing today

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If you want marketing results, you need to personalize the content you send out.  This has been a popular topic on both the Marketo and Hubspot blog.   Both of those companies offer products to help you personalize your marketing - however you can do it without either product, as we did in our own campaign.  Read it here.

5 Marketing Lesson Learned from marketing Find New Customers

Why is personalization so important today?  Let Meghan at Hubspot explain:

“If you’re a marketer today you probably know that targeted emails are effective. But what happens when someone clicks through that targeted email only to end up on a static, generic website? The natural progression of personalized emails should lead to personalized website, but limitations in technology and strategy have delayed this realization so far. There are signs, however, that the time for more personalization across the online experience has come:

  • According to Janrain, nearly three-fourths (74%) of online consumers get frustrated with websites when content appears that has nothing to do with their interests. Tweet This Stat
  • After looking at data from more than 93,000 calls-to-action over a 12 month period, HubSpot found that CTAs targeted to the user had a 42% higher view-to-submission rate than calls-to-action that were the same for all visitors. Tweet This Stat
  • A 2013 Monetate/eConsultancy Study found that in-house marketers who are personalizing their web experiences (and able to quantify the improvement) see on average a 19% uplift in sales. Tweet This Stat

Given these figures, getting started with a multi-channel personalization strategy in the next few years should be among CMOs’ top priorities. Let’s look at a few examples of HubSpot customers who are at the forefront of this strategy and leading the way with personalized content, blogs, and websites.”

Both companies are explaining how you can customize website visitors - to your website, your blog and your content. But if you are a smaller company just looking to personalize emails and letters, Word and Excel work just fine.

Let me explain what we did at Find New Customers, the new Florida-based demand generation agency and the nicest company in BtoB marketing today.

In our first test marketing campaign, we purchased a small list of 200 Tampa area companies from  We loaded this list into Excel.  Then when creating letters or emails, we used the Mail Merge capabilities of Word to merge in things like First Name, Last Name, Title and Company.  We put those fields right into the letter itself.  So the mailing we sent out were highly personalized.

Here’s the bottom line: Personalize your content to the highest level you can with your existing budget. If you can afford Hubspot or Marketo, great. But if not, use the power you already have to personalize your content.

If your company is looking for help from a very well-connected award-winning BtoB marketing expert, just fill out the form below.

What do you think? Love comments here.

This blog is written by the award-winning marketing expert Jeff Ogden, the Fearless Competitor - President of Find New Customers. You can follow me on Twitter at @fearlesscomp


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