Dec 20, 2012 Staff

A Calculator of the Value of Social Media Followers


According to Hubspot, marketers should be measuring social media marketing campaigns to determine what is making money and what isn’t. In order to generate a positive ROI with social media, Hubspot has created and refined a metric they call Value of a Like (VOAL). Here's the formula:

voal formula resized 600

L (Total Likes)
Likes on a Facebook page or number of Twitter followers

UpM (Unlikes-per-Month)
Unlikes and unfollows.

LpD (Links-per-Day)
Average number of times you’re posting links.

C (Average Clicks)
Average number of clicks on the links to your site you’re posting.

CR (Conversion Rate)
Average conversion rate of your website, from visit to sale or visit to lead.

ACV (Average Conversion Value)
Average sale price or average lead value.

Hubspot has also built an easy to use calculator at Answer six questions and see what each Like or follower is worth to your company.

Social Media Calculator resized 600

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Published by Staff December 20, 2012