1 in every 5 minutes online is being spent on social networks (and more data from ComScore’s 2011 Social Report)

by Kate Brodock on 16 January 2012

Posted in: Interesting,social media

I’ve finally gotten around to reading ComScore’s 2011 Social Report that came out in late December.  There are some great, granular pieces of data taken from March 2007-October 2011.

Some key stats:

  • Social Networking is the most popular online activity. 1 in every 5 minutes of time online is now being spent on social networking sites (up from only 6% in early 2007), reaching 1.2 billion people total.
  • Facebook is important. Facebook takes up the largest part of this time, reaching 55% of the worlds’ online population in October. Facebook also has incredibly high engagement, with 3 out of every 4 minutes of users’ time on social networks being spent on it instead of other networks, and taking up every seventh minute of people’s total time online.
  • Twitter has grown by 59% in the past year and reaches 160 million monthly unique users worldwide.
  • Microblogging is making a run.  LinkedIn has grown by 55% to nearly 100 million, while Tumblr is up 172% to nearly 40 million.  Google+ now has 65 million users worldwide.
  • More and more people want to share around interests, not just the close social relationships.
  • Social Networks are continuing to reach all age groups, not just the youngins. The 55+ age group continues to be the fastest growing demographic in terms of social network usage, which increased by almost 10% since July 201.
  • Women continue to lead men in engagement across the world — by 2 hours or 30% per month in North America and Europe.
  • What about email? Email usage has been declining in usage among younger age groups, a trend that’s not likely to change.
Some more specific stats:
  • People in Latin America spend a noticeably large amount of their time  - 28% - online on sites like Facebook and Twitter.  This number is only 11% in Asia.
  • But hold on, in that percentage for Asia, the Philippines is actually the most socially networked country in the world, with 43% of users time being spent on social networks.
  • Israelis spend the most time on social networking sites, with 11.1 hours devoted to them in the month of October (2011)



You can download the full report here.

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