Why You Should Hire Jeff Ogden to Keynote Your Next Business Conference


When Looking for Keynote Speakers, why Should You Hire Jeff Ogden to Keynote your next big Marketing Conference?

For a related post, check out “You Killed It: 5 Tips for Creating a Persuasive Speech“”

If you’re looking for keynote speakers, the award-winning marketing expert Jeff Ogden should be on your short list.  Why?

There are two critical make or break skills for keynote speakers. The very best speakers offer both.

  1. Great story-teller - to hold an audience
  2. Deep knowledge of presentation best practices
Keynote speakers

Jeff interviewing Scott Monty of Ford at Social Media Action Camp

Reagarding 2 - one of the main reasons is that Jeff Ogden, in addition to being an award-winning marketing expert and the Creator and Host of Marketing Made Simple TV - he learned from the very best presenters.

He read the book Resonate and interviewed the top presentation expert - author Nancy Duarte on Marketing Made Simple TV. (One of Nancy’s clients was Steve Jobs - a fine presenter.)  I also read her multi-touch book on the iPad - one of the best-ever books that use the visual power of the iPad. That book was filled with great information for keynote speakers.

Contact Jeff Ogden by sending an email to host at marketingmadesimple.tv.

Here’s what was said about Nancy’s book:

Resonate by Nancy Duarte

Present visual stories that transform audiences

By leveraging techniques normally reserved for cinema and literature, Resonate reveals how to transform any presentation into an engaging journey. You will discover how to understand your audience, create persuasive content, and elicit a groundswell response.

With Resonate, you’ll learn to:

  • Connect with your audience empathetically
  • Craft ideas that get repeated
  • Rely on story structures inherent in great communication
  • Create captivating content
  • Inspire enthusiasm and support for your vision

Few things excite me more than a great communicator—something I’ve wanted to be ever since I ran for president of the seventh grade. While I think I’ve come a long way on that journey, I never fully understood what it takes to be a world-class communicator until I read Nancy Duarte’s Resonate. Read this book, absorb this book, practice what it preaches, and you’ll be on your way to being a great communicator. Thanks, Nancy!

Ken Blanchard Co-author of The One Minute Manager

When looking for keynote speakers, wouldn’t you want someone who learned from history’s best?

Take a look at this graphic. It’s a diagram of the great speeches, like Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, and Nelson Mandela.

Note the story format: Beginning, Middle, End, Cross the Threshold.

And the cadence - What is and What Can Be

When looking for keynote speakers, wouldn’t you like to use someone versed in these best practices techniques?
