8 Indispensable Tools to Improve Your Social Media Efficiency

By {grow} Community Member Ian Cleary

Being organized with your social media efforts is essential because it can be so time consuming.

It’s easy to spend many hours on social media but are you using that time effectively?

Here are 8 tools that I use on a regular basis that helped me be more effective and efficient on social media and hopefully it will help you too!

1. Monitor and Build Relationships on Twitter with Commun.it

Commun.it provides functionality to help build and monitor relationships with Twitter followers. I only need to spend a couple of minutes a day on Commun.it but it gives me some valuable actionable information, such as:

  • Influencers who have interacted with me but I haven’t reciprocated.
  • Suggested people to follow
  • Opportunities to engage with people based on keywords that I’m tracking (e.g. my company name
  • Identify people who are sharing my content that I should reciprocate by sharing their content

Figure 1 Influencers Sharing out My Content that I should engage with

2. Market Your Content Using Triberr

Triberr is a community of bloggers who help promote each other’s content by sharing it out on social networks.

Members join tribes and these tribes are based around particular topics and values. There is a high value placed on supporting fellow bloggers and providing value!

When you login you can see all the latest posts from tribe members and then you can easily share it out across a variety of networks.

In the example below there is an article from Jim Dougherty that has been shared out 11 times so far. When I read the article I just click on the approve button to share out on Twitter if I think my audience would benefit from the article.

If you join the right tribe it can be a great source of content to share and you can learn a lot from your community members.

3. Track the Influencer Blogs Using Google Reader

Google Reader is a useful tool for reading blog posts from many bloggers in one place instead of visiting individual websites. If you’re organized enough using Google Reader you can get through a lot of content quite quickly.

One great tip I picked up from Kristi Hynes was to use the Twitter name as the name of your blog feed. This means that when you read a piece of content that you want to share, you immediately have the Twitter name ready so you don’t have to look it up.

How many times have you searched around for a Twitter user name before you can share out some content?

4. Find Great Content Using Bottlenose

Bottlenose is a tool for tracking news and trends across social networks. I’m passionate about “social media tools” so I like to track conversations about tools on social networks. Bottlenose provides me with relevant information on this topic.

I can filter out information based on a topic I’m interested in and see the latest news related to that topic, tweets and trending topics related to that area on Twitter.

5. Tidy Up Using ManageFlitter

ManageFlitter helps you identify people to follow and unfollow and provides analytics on your account.

I mainly use the unfollow functionality. It can identify people you are following who are not following you back and then categorize them so you can identify the obvious ones to unfollow. For example:

  • Followers tweeting in a language not native to you
  • People who follow a lot of people but don’t get many followers
  • People who are not active on Twitter
  • People who are tweeting too much

6. Share Content With BufferApp

BufferApp provides a very easy way to share content in the most effective way. When you come across an interesting article you click on the ‘buffer’ button in your browser and a tweet is created and put into a queue.

It then goes out on the next available time slot which you set up.

This is very useful because I may come across 10 articles at one time worth sharing but there’s no point in sharing them all at the same time. Also, it may not be the most appropriate time to share it out.

One tip I got from my friend Nate Riggs is to use Socialflow to work out the best times to send out a tweet. So Bufferapp with Socialflow is a great combination!

7. Analyze Results Using Google Analytics

After all our social media activity we generally want to drive relevant traffic to our website. Google Analytics provides very relevant information related to this:

  • Social Traffic– Google provides me details on where traffic is coming from
  • Goals– When traffic does arrive from social media channels I want to track this to see what conversion I’m getting. It’s great getting traffic but if it’s not converting then we’re wasting our time. Tracking goals is a very quick way of seeing if we’re making progress.

8. Launch It All Using Bookmarks!

I don’t like to spend my day opening and closing all these applications. So a very simple tip is to bookmark all the tools in one folder and then you can open them up in one go!!!

Bookmarking is available with all browsers and it’s a simple way of keeping track of websites that you want to visit again.

By putting the bookmarks into a folder I can open them all in one go. On Safari this creates a tab for every application.

I’m always looking for useful new ideas and apps?  Will you share your favorite in the comment section?

Ian Cleary is a Social Media Tools Specialist. He is the founder of Razorsocial, a website that provides sharp insights on social media tools. Follow Ian on twitter @ianmcleary



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