Sat.Jul 22, 2017 - Fri.Jul 28, 2017

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Stuck on words: how can marketing connect with customers better?


How can marketers better connect with people we hope will become our customers? Over the past year, I’ve been researching why there’s such a disconnect between marketing and customers so I can understand how to bridge that gap. Why? Because right now, the trust gap between marketers and customers has never been wider. For example, this recent Gallup Poll shows that confidence in the honesty and ethics of marketers and sellers isn’t much higher than Members of Congress.

B2B Sales 323
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Why Demand Generation Requires a Strategic Mindset

Marketing Insider Group

Demand generation is complex. 7,000-piece jigsaw puzzle complex. This dynamism is the root of demand gen’s power, as well as the seeds of its downfall. When marketers don’t get the whole puzzle to fit together, the result is a jumbled mess of marketing tactics rather than the masterpiece you get when every piece works in […]. The post Why Demand Generation Requires a Strategic Mindset appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.


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From Tattoos To Testimonials: How Cisco Energized Over 700 European Brand Advocates (In Just 4 Months)


In 2016, Cristina Melluzzi, Head of Customer Advocacy EMEAR at Cisco, was facing something lots of B2B companies can relate to: having an internal fire drill every time Cisco needed customers for references, speaking opportunities, analyst interviews, and case studies. Cisco had a traditional reference program with around 100 European customers that sales and marketing.

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5 Common Campaign Implementation Mistakes and How to Overcome Them [Slideshare]

Tomorrow People

Discover the mistakes B2B marketers make when implementing campaigns - and how to become the marketing wizard who overcomes them.

Campaigns 207
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WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook 2024

Elevate your webinar game with WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook! Packed with insights from our seasoned webinar experts, this comprehensive guide is your go-to resource for mastering the art of B2B webinars. Learn the fundamentals, from defining webinars to exploring their benefits and diverse use cases. Discover the key elements of running a successful webinar, avoiding common mistakes, and making your sessions more engaging.

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The Bottom Line: Action is at the Heart of Marketing’s Productivity

Vision Edge Marketing

In a recent article, David Dodd wrote the innovations in Marketing “have promised to improve marketing effectiveness and efficiency, and numerous research studies purport to show that they are delivering a wide range of benefits. But have these innovations really improved the bottom-line productivity of B2B marketing? Can we show – in a credible and convincing way – that B2B marketing is more financially productive today than it was 10 or 15 years ago?

Product 173

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62% of Customers Want Marketing Content that Speaks to Pain Points

KoMarketing Associates

New research suggests that customers prefer to turn to original marketing content during the buying process that addresses their specific pain points. To learn more about customer preferences, the Content Marketing Institute and SmartBrief recently conducted the “How Content Influences the Purchasing Process” survey. The findings showed that the majority of customers (62 percent) prefer marketing content that speaks to their specific needs and/or pain points.

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The Facebook Sharing Debugger is an essential content marketing tool


Facebook is pretty good at making everything you share look pretty good all on its own — until it doesn’t. What then? What happens when you spend the time and energy going through all your old posts and content to intentionally render properly on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Plus, Medium, LinkinedIn, and Tumblr, and you go back to share your old evergreen content onto Facebook and when your title, summary, and featured image pop up on Facebook automagically, it’s the same crap

Facebook 175
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Scheduling an Appointment With an "Uncloseable"


A competitor in the teleprospecting business recently published a list of B2B companies based on how easy or hard they were to work from a lead-generation standpoint. They listed those that they had had success with on top. At the bottom of the list were what they called “uncloseables,” meaning these were companies that this competitor was not able to generated leads from.

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How to Ramp Up Your B2B Sales Lead Generation with Social Media

Marketing Insider Group

Social media is no longer just a fun, helpful supplement to a marketing mix. For many companies, it has become the primary vehicle for customer engagement. In fact, a report by LinkedIn found that 90% top performing sales representatives incorporate social media into their tactics. Using the right tools and data, you can find compelling […]. The post How to Ramp Up Your B2B Sales Lead Generation with Social Media appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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The Top 3 Tips for Writing Successful White Papers

In the B2B marketing toolkit, white papers can be a powerful option for reaching decision-makers and experts, presenting them with interesting information that improves their perception of your organization's competence and thought leadership. That said, a poorly executed whitepaper will not only be unable to influence your desired audience but will also come with significant costs that other assets won't incur.

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How LinkedIn Sales Navigator Can Generate Qualified Leads

NuSpark Consulting

Launched in August 2014, LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator makes use of the social platform’s richly populated database of business profiles to identify the ideal prospective customer. Users can connect with their prospects, engage with them through messages, get instant insights and monitor the success of their efforts online—all within the program’s parameters.

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Getting to ABM: notes from the field


Account-based marketing is a hot concept in B2B these days, but how does it really work on the ground? David Rowe , SVP marketing and business development at Enli Health Intelligence , spoke at the BrandHIT marketing conference in Las Vegas last month, and candidly shared some of his firm’s experiences in migrating from traditional B2B demand generation to an ABM strategy.

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How to Effectively Utilize AdWords Ad Extensions for B2B PPC

KoMarketing Associates

As any savvy paid search advertiser knows, ad extensions are one of the keys to a successful ad. Not only are they free to implement, but they make the ad bigger, which helps improve the overall visibility and ultimately, click-through-rate. While implementing ad extensions might be simple, B2B marketers need to know there are a few pitfalls that need to be avoided when creating them.

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15 PPC Tips to Fuel Your Google AdWords Campaign Performance

Marketing Insider Group

Google intentionally makes it incredibly easy to get started on AdWords. In most cases, it’s as easy as selecting a handful of keywords, writing an ad, and of course, adding credit card information. To give you an idea, nearly 80% of US search ad revenue is earned by Google! Given this number and the simplicity factor, […]. The post 15 PPC Tips to Fuel Your Google AdWords Campaign Performance appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

Adwords 177
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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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Use Information Interview Approach for Sales Prospecting Conversations


B2B sales organizations with a complex, “platform,” or value sales process face some of their biggest challenges in the initial prospecting stage. The process for a value sale is naturally longer than a simple product sale. Companies risk missing revenue growth targets when sellers are ineffective or inefficient at getting target accounts to engage.

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5 tips to get people to buy online


Online sales is a booming industry and the revenue is growing exponentially. One just has to look at the many retail giants with years of experience that have either scaled back or closed down altogether to see the effect it is having on traditional retailers. Those are the companies that did not adapt fast enough to changing shopping habits and the importance of online marketing.

Buy 143
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Survey: Marketers Remain Skeptical of Artificial Intelligence as a Solution

KoMarketing Associates

New data suggests that although artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more prominent, organizations still have mixed feelings about it. That being said, those who have deployed AI are utilizing it for marketing purposes. ICUC Social recently conducted its “Artificial Intelligence Survey” to determine how marketers feel about AI and its usefulness at their companies.

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Boost The Bottom Line With Pragmatic and Agile Marketing

Marketing Insider Group

In many ways, we’re living in the golden age of marketing. We can reach customers in real-time on their preferred channel at the moment they’re prepared to make a purchase. Opportunities abound, but they bring with them huge to-do lists. When we add in the breakneck speed of innovation, long term planning becomes virtually pointless. […]. The post Boost The Bottom Line With Pragmatic and Agile Marketing appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

Planning 163
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What Questions Are Brands Asking About Their ESG Initiatives Ahead of 2024?

Temperatures are rising (and not just metaphorically) as key stakeholders anxiously anticipate the outcomes of COP28. While companies reconsider their 2024 environmental sustainability strategies, there is another aspect of ESG that deserves exploring, the social sector. In the latest edition of "Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Sagittarius Edition", 3BL hones in on this sign’s bold quality of asking questions others are burning to know the answers to.

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How B2B Marketers Can Future-Proof Their Augmented Reality Investments


B2B marketers everywhere are always hunting for ways to decrease the time it takes to move leads through the funnel and to enhance marketing messaging. Even more so, trade show and event marketers are looking for ways to increase the engagement and effectiveness of their efforts. And, we are all trying to deliver a consistent, updated product and brand story to our sales teams around the country and the world frequently and in real time.

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Do writers need to know SEO?


Have you read sales pages that scream, “You don’t need to know SEO! Our software does it all!” Solving your SEO writing woes with software sounds so easy. You wouldn’t have to worry about keyphrase usage, penning the perfect title length, or structuring links. Just feed in your copy and poof! instant optimization help! In fact, the sales copy for one SEO plug-in even says, “We walk you through every step: no need to hire or be an SEO expert.” Sounds wonderful,

SEO 143
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Survey: Challenges Still Surround Content Marketing as a Business Asset

KoMarketing Associates

Marketers are turning to content marketing to achieve their objectives, but new research suggests they are still finding it difficult to use this tactic efficiently. According to the “2017 Content Management and Strategy Survey” from the Content Marketing Institute, 91 percent of marketers use content to market their products and services. Furthermore, 92 percent said that their organization at least “somewhat” views content as a business asset.

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These Are The 3 Big Reasons Why Purpose Matters to Marketing

Marketing Insider Group

Does your purpose currently impact your marketing, revenue growth, and profit? If not, it should. Here’s why: According to research, curated by Mack Fogelson, consider the following: The post These Are The 3 Big Reasons Why Purpose Matters to Marketing appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

Curation 150
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What's Working Now: ABM + Demand Gen

Speaker: Paul Slack, Vende Digital CEO

Are you struggling with a stagnant pipeline? Discover how combining ABM and demand generation can help you get more qualified opportunities and grow your pipeline. Learn the latest trends and tactics for 2023 and gain the confidence to implement a successful strategy that aligns with sales to drive revenue growth. Join this interactive live session with Paul Slack and learn how to: Identify the best accounts for ABM Personalize at scale Run paid campaigns that actually work Tackle and optimize r

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Connecting the Dots: How to Raise Your Search Rankings With Internal Linking


Imagine you’re playing soccer. You’ve trained for years, now finally at the peak of your powers as you confidently march toward the title. Then, with the score tied in the championship, the ball falls to you just yards from the goal. But instead of knocking it in to rapturous applause, you scuff your opportunity, doomed to watch your biggest competitor take all the spoils for itself.

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50+ Essential WordPress Website Maintenance Tips [Infographic]


Guest post by Sudhir Bhushan. Building a website has become a relatively easy job, thanks to the wonderful CMS that is WordPress. (You could use something else…but why?). However, maintaining it is can be a challenging task that you can’t ignore if you want to yield maximum results from what you have created. Having a website that is not functioning well or is suffering from performance issues could very well get you penalized by Google, resulting in the loss of brand credibility, revenue

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12 Tips Every Brand Should Incorporate Into a Live Stream Marketing Campaign

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

By now, you’ve probably seen how live content gets pushed to the top of every stream on your social media feeds. You probably even get push notifications on your apps when someone goes live. It’s not a coincidence, but more of a calculated effort from companies like Facebook , Twitter , YouTube , and Twitch to be the leaders of a space that is still in its infancy.

Campaigns 134
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3 Research-Based Insights to Prevent Lead Generation Failure

Marketing Insider Group

As a B2B marketer you’re constantly under fire. Between your executive team debating your budget to the sales team demanding BETTER leads and MORE opportunities, it’s like the hunger games out there. Now more than ever, demand generation and content marketers are worried about failing to meet lead-based goals. Lucky for you, I have three […]. The post 3 Research-Based Insights to Prevent Lead Generation Failure appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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Sales Effectiveness: The B2B Sales Leader's Guide

This guide is designed to help today’s B2B sales leaders ramp up their effectiveness in any economic environment.

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3 Tips to Unlock Emojis’ Marketing Value

Convince & Convert

If a picture is worth a thousand words, an emoji is worth at least 140. These little icons allow users to convey complex ideas and emotions quickly and accurately. They have become a language of their own. And if you can’t speak that language, you’re missing a prime opportunity to engage with your audience. As of 2015, about half of all Instagram captions and comments included at least one emoji.

Tips 119
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Study: B2B Buyers Aren’t Too Happy With Salespeople


Salespeople don’t have it easy. Hit your numbers and you’re safe. Miss your sales quota, and you may be looking for work. That reality puts salespeople in an awkward position. They have to push products to anyone with a pulse, yet no one wants to buy from a pushy salesperson. According to a recent study from DiscoverOrg, a sales intelligence platform, not many B2B salespeople are successfully walking this tightrope.

Studies 98
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5 Things New Marketers Can Learn from Broadway’s Hamilton

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

The hottest ticket on Broadway, even after two years at Richard Rodgers Theatre, is still Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Tony Award winning Hamilton. Not only has the show attracted a stellar list of celebrity audience members and won 11 prestigious Tony Awards, but now with productions in New York, Chicago, and London, as well as not one but TWO National Tours with stops scheduled across the country we, “normal people,” finally have the chance to maybe snag a ($400) ticket, if we’re lucky.