Ultimate Guide to Implementing Content Syndication Effectively for Marketing

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With content syndication, your finest content will become a strong lead-generating tool. Visitors do not need to visit your website before your content functions as a tool for educating, engaging and qualifying prospects. Continue reading to find out what content syndication is and how to leverage it effectively for your marketing efforts.

What Is Content Syndication, and How Does It Work?

Content syndication is simply the process of sharing your content via different channels to get to the right audience. B2B marketers employ the process to optimize the effectiveness of their content on lead generation. It may be an important element of prospecting and interacting with leads, and it can provide a lot of value to them. It is a hybrid of content marketing and sales prospecting in many aspects. Telemarketing, cross-posting material on LinkedIn, cold email, and running PPC advertising are all popular B2B content syndication methods.

If you are already getting steady traffic to your existing content, you might wonder what is the need for content syndication?

For many marketing teams, traffic to their content starts from their buyers searching for a relevant query. There is an email capture form to qualify the reader, and from there, the lead is nurtured via a continuous email campaign. The approach is effective but means marketers must wait patiently, hoping that the perfect client will search for their content at the appropriate moment and be willing to provide their contact information. It also relies on posts appearing first in Google searches. The clickthrough rate (CTR) will be 20 percent lower than the top result even in the second position.

Another option to gain more visibility on new materials might be to distribute them to your current email subscribers. This is useful for nurturing, but new leads will not come by sharing content with existing subscribers. This is why content syndication is important.

Content syndication, as previously said, blends content marketing techniques like producing excellent content that offers a lot of value for your target consumer with a more proactive strategy, such as telemarketing and cold email. The first part is finding the most relevant prospects for your content—prospects who are interested in your products or services. You can increase your content’s return on investment (ROI) since content syndication will bring more leads into your pipeline.

Content Syndication Tactics

B2B content syndication may utilize any of these content formats: whitepapers, webcasts, articles, and infographics. What counts most, though, is the quality of your content and the methods you employ to disseminate them to your target prospects.

There are two primary ways to increase visibility for your content. You have the option of using inbound or outbound techniques.

Inbound Content Syndication Strategies


This is when two businesses work together on a project for mutual gain. Finding a suitable co-marketing partner requires identifying businesses that sell to consumers like yours. However, this is not the same as collaborating with rival companies.  As a general guideline, you should avoid co-marketing with businesses that are fighting for the same organic search terms as you.

Some co-marketing strategies include collaboration on a whitepaper that both businesses will distribute to their respective audiences, co-hosting a webinar on relevant client problem areas, and organizing an event that your ideal clients would be interested in.

Social Media

Aside from actively promoting content on your company’s social media pages, you should also attempt to get shares from other prominent accounts with similar audiences. This is related to co-marketing since your partner business will most likely share your material on their social media platforms and you will as well.

Guest Blogging

Guest posting has many advantages. The new backlinks will improve your SEO, and your content will be seen by relevant people. You need to be sure that the sites where you publish guest posts are visited by individuals who are similar to your target client. You are wasting your time if you don’t.

PPC (Pay Per Click) Advertising

PPC is the quickest method to get targeted traffic to your website. Facebook and LinkedIn are two popular platforms for doing sponsored ads with B2B content.

You can target your desired demographic on both LinkedIn and Facebook and decide your marketing spend. It is an excellent method to see whether your content connects with your target audience before spending additional time and money on promotion.

Outbound Content Syndication Techniques


Calling relevant prospects and providing them with content is one highly successful method of B2B content syndication. There are restrictions to using this content. Marketers will require a significant amount of B2B data with correct contact information. Also, confidence on the phone is an important skill to possess if you expect any form of engagement with the team. A successful strategy would be asking qualifying questions to prospects to determine how ready they are to purchase.

Cold Emails

If you have already identified your target customers and are simply looking for a way to reach them with your content, then you can utilize cold emails to disseminate your information—that is if you are certain about their interest. An email is the most direct method to reach your prospects besides a phone conversation.

Monitoring the Results of Your Efforts

You will need to monitor the performance of your campaigns just as you would any other aspect of your marketing. Some of the important metrics to consider include:

Return on Investment (ROI)

The ROI of your content syndication strategy is the most important metric to monitor. The important thing to remember here is that you must choose your success metrics, which for most B2B companies is the revenue generated by the campaign against the cost per lead.

If money is not your campaign’s primary objective, you will need to interpret this differently. You might, for example, launch a campaign aimed at increasing the number of downloads of your new whitepaper. As a result, the number of downloads may be used to determine success. Before starting the campaign, you should figure out what would count as success. After that, you can calculate ROI.

The Volume of Leads

It is preferable if you can create as many leads as possible. It is difficult to attribute conversions to content not currently hosted on your website, and you do not want to be scrambling to build up methods to evaluate your campaign after it has started. Measuring your content syndication should be simple, provided you put up the required tracking and keep track of conversions.

Lead Quality

It is useless to generate hundreds of new leads if they are not a good match for your business. You must ensure that the lead quality meets your SQL requirements. If your campaign is a success, you should get an inflow of quality leads who are ready to speak with you on the phone.

Focusing on outbound techniques is the most effective strategy to guarantee good lead quality. You can manage who you reach out to with telemarketing and cold email, and you can pre-qualify prospects with B2B data on technographic characteristics and firmographic details, among others. You need to evaluate the quality of your leads regularly. You may need to alter strategies if your content syndication strategy is bringing in the wrong leads.

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Increased traffic to your website should be an unavoidable consequence of your B2B content syndication efforts. Even if you solely employ telemarketing, one can anticipate that prospects will be curious enough to visit your website following the call to discover more. If your campaign includes guest blogging, social media marketing, or PPC, you should expect a constant stream of visitors from these efforts.

Brand Lift

It may be difficult to keep track of brand lift. Since it differs for every business, there is no one measure or method to monitor it. All of the key indicators you care about are covered by brand lift. If your brand lift improves, other metrics that matter to you should improve as well. Several variables come together to create brand lift. If you are getting favorable mentions in the media, for example, you may anticipate your landing page conversion rate to rise, which will generate more qualified leads.

The Obstacles to Effective Content Syndication Campaigns

Content syndication is not simple. If this is your first time, there are a slew of obstacles to overcome. Some of the challenges to overcome include having adequate resources for execution, content personalization, tracking effectiveness, sending content based on user behavior, prioritizing the right syndication techniques, and identifying your potential consumers.

If you are conducting any kind of inbound or outbound B2B content syndication, you need to make sure your targeting is correct. In the case of inbound marketing, this means carefully selecting the sites on which you will guest post or the business with whom you will co-market.

To use outbound techniques, you will need to thoroughly go through your list of prospects and make sure they fit your ideal client profile. Otherwise, your team will waste time on the phone with unqualified leads, which is a waste of time for everyone. You may still get excellent leads if your targeting is poor, but you will not be able to scale your efforts or guarantee results.

In Summary

B2B content syndication effectively qualifies, engages, and nurtures prospects, converting them into warm leads. There are several techniques for content syndication. If you want greater control over your audience, you should concentrate on outbound techniques, although inbound methods offer their own set of advantages. Your content will transform into a powerful tool that produces SQLs and sales for your business.