Six Tips to Beat the Wintertime Blogger Blues

blogger blues

By Amber Osborne, {grow} Contributing Columnist

During the holiday season, theorectically a time of cheer and togetherness, I always see an increase of Grinch-like behavior on my social networks, in the office or even waiting in line for coffee. You all know at least one Grinch… the person who always talks about how much their LIFE sucks, or how much PEOPLE suck, or how much YOU suck.

Until you want to scream …”Stop sucking the life out of ME!”

If you’ve been noticing that negativity has been running a little more rampant recently, you aren’t the only one! It’s common for people at this time of year to experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (Otherwise known as S.A.D.) this isn’t an excuse for the negativity but it is a good way to ask someone who is being negative…“Hey, is everything okay?” Maybe they just need an outlet for the inner S.A.D, however some of them are just really good at taking it out on others.

We’ve all heard the saying “don’t let the bastards get you down,” but when those people are surrounding you daily … whether it be in the online realm or some of your closest friends, family or workmates … it can be pretty tough to deal with without making you seem like the party pooper. We might not even realize it, but maybe you might have become a little bit more frigid during the winter months yourself.

I’d like to share a few helpful tips to beat the winter time blues.

  • Turn off the computer and go outside. Fresh air and sunshine is key to getting oxygen and Vitamin D to your little negative thinking brain cells.
  • Go Into The Light. You might be like me, and live in an area where sun is hard to come by in these winter months. I highly recommend in investing in a sun lamp for your desk or taking supplements.
  • Feed Your Brain. During the winter we tend to love to hibernate and eat. Instead of spending money on snacks or expensive lunches, I’ll spend that money on movies, books or music. I’ve been making more lunches at home and downloading a new album, book or movie each day. Not only do I feel healthier, creative and more positive on my choices, it shows through in my moods. Plus you’ll have some great conversation starters for the holiday dinner table.
  • Not only does your personality stink… but you do too. Smell can really make a mood sour, essential oils such as peppermint and pink grapefruit can really do wonders to brighten up your personality. I keep great smelling candles and oils by my workspace.
  • Keeping social networks sane.  Start following more positive people in your social networks online and keep an eye on the repeat offenders. I know you may just want to hit that block button on some people. Two wrongs do not make a right, so best thing to do before giving them the boot is funnel them into a group and then see who is just having a bad day or is just a constant Debbie Downer. Remember this key term … shape up or ship out!
  • Please Be Kind … Rewind. Always before speaking, typing, tweeting … THINK about it. Yes, there is a screen in front of you but ALWAYS remember the fellow human being behind it.

Above all, remember the end of the year is a great time to start fresh with a good attitude and to pass that on to others. There’s way too much awfulness  in the world to let it thrive in our everyday lives. Let’s all make a pledge in 2015 to provide more positivity be it online or offline.

amber osborneAmber Osborne a.k.a @MissDestructo is the CMO at Meshfire, a social media management platform out of Seattle, WA. She’s worked previously in online marketing with clients ranging from bands to brands. Check out her adventures at

Illustration courtesy Flickr CC and Deb.

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