Tips to Consider When Developing Strong Email Subject Lines

Email is one of the most effective marketing platforms in the world today. Marketing is based on judging books by their covers, thus attractive email subject lines are crucial. The choice of words used in the subject line has a huge influence on the readers and determines whether the hard work devoted to writing the email is fruitful.

Investing additional time into writing a good subject line increases your open email rates. This grants you additional exposure increased contact with the target market. Here are some suggestions when it comes to writing strong email subject lines.

Use aspects of personalization

For this, use tags in the subject lines indicating the addressee’s name and locality. For most marketing professionals, this has been observed to increase open rates. Combining this tactic with some targeted automation announcement will improve the effectiveness of the strategy.

Be target specific in creating recipient lists

Though sending blast messages to every contact in your list may seem comprehensive, it may be offputting to some recipients.  Due to receiving irrelevant messages, some of your recipients may feel confused and, at times, frustrated. To solve this problem, segment the list based on past experiences and observations of consumer behavior. Forms are good sources for such information because they are filled with descriptions of personal preferences.

Read More – Are people unsubscribing from your emails?

Keep it short and sweet

Around 40% of emails sent are opened in a mobile device. Assuming your readers might open emails in their mobile device, your subject line should be under 50 characters so it doesn’t get cut off.  To minimize the character count, only use the most crucial words in your subject line and take away the unnecessary ones.

Avoid overuse of caps and exclamation marks

Excessive use of exclamation marks and caps lock will make your recipient feel like they’re being yelled at. Not only is the tactic disruptive, but 70% of recipients are likely to mark such emails as spam. Avoid this mistake and use action-based language to catch your readers’ attention instead.

Do not divulge the contents

A strong subject line hides the contents of the email from the reader and instead makes them curious. Additionally, you should avoid making the subject line overpromising, which means whatever is indicated in the subject line should be consistent with the contents of the email.

Ask reflective questions

Ask relevant questions in the subject line to attract the reader’s attention. Formulate a question that appeals directly to the recipient, and then provide internal links that provide an answer to the question. This is an efficient strategy that will translate to more email reads.

A/B testing

Though subject lines can be formed based on many ideas, the focus should be the target market. A/B testing involves carefully researching your target audience and experimenting with different subject lines. A successful campaign tests different subject lines on customers and adopts the ones with more reads.  It is necessary to research continuously so as to remain relevant and effective.

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