No matter where you go on the internet, you’ll see banner ads of all shapes and sizes. They’re everywhere from social media platforms to news and entertainment sites. From animated pop-ups and sticky footer ads to sidebar ads, video pre-roll, and even in-content ads, banners are a form of advertising that isn’t going away anytime soon. 

While even the most successful banner ads see a low percentage of clicks, they absolutely add value to your ad campaign. Just imagine if there was a way to increase banner ad conversions 3X, create higher retention, boost ROI, capture attention, and improve your mobile experience? 

There is in fact a form of banner ad that can change the game for your marketing strategy: Playables.  

What are Playable Banner Ads? 

Playables are Mini-Games that are built with 3 main pieces which are a Tutorial/Instructions, Mini-Game Elements, and an End Card. This end card contains your marketing message or call-to-action (CTA) and could also include social features which can help spread your marketing message beyond the ad space where traditional banner ads reside. 

Most are found on Mobile Game Apps, Entertainment websites, and social media platforms such as Facebook. Playable banner ads can be implemented by insurance companies, charity organizations, consumer packaging, direct-to-consumer, education brands, and more.  

Because these playable banner ads mimic what mobile users do for entertainment, this can create higher levels of ad engagement. It can also create a 1:1 relationship with visitors which can have a positive impact that the user will remember.  

Users that interact with this form of banner advertisement spend more time with the ad which can lead to users proceeding through your funnel. Why? Because, unlike ordinary banner ads, playables provide a sensory connection that cannot be achieved through traditional units. 

Built with HTML5, playable mini-games in banner ads can be personalized to offer unique preferences. They can also capture user behaviors and help provide insights to improve the overall performance of your ads and how users interact with them. 

Ad Networks/Platforms that support playables include… 

  • Facebook 
  • Tapjoy 
  • Google AdMob 
  • Chartboost 

With mobile becoming the primary way users look for information and entertainment, playable banner ads can be a perfect fit for your target audience.