
PPC Joins SEO as a Tactic that Should Go

by Jennifer Beever

wasted marketing dollarsI believe there are situations that warrant Pay-Per-Click advertising for today’s B2B marketer, but they are fewer and farther between with the rise of content marketing and social sharing. Given the opportunity cost of your valuable marketing dollars, there are other marketing activities that you should invest in before paid search, which can be expensive.

In a recent survey of 600 small and medium-sized B2B websites by Optify, 10% fewer companies used paid search such as Google Adwords (Google controls 67% of paid search, see Why Paid Search for B2B Companies is Dead (or Dying)). Of those who used paid search campaigns, they did get additional visits and some conversion to leads.

If a company or product is new, has no site visitors and leads, and if the keywords and phrases are not highly competitive (meaning the campaign may not be terribly be expensive), then Pay Per Click can be a way to get needed visitors and leads. But, given the choice, I’d recommend other tactics such as content marketing (posting great content and sharing on various channels to attract qualified prospects) email marketing and blogging before Pay Per Click.

New Incite provides marketing strategic planning and implementation for businesses that want to grow faster. Contact Jennifer Beever of New Incite today to find out how our services can drive revenue and growth at your company.


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B2B Marketing Survey Says Email and Twitter Work — NewIncite
April 17, 2013 at 8:12 am

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