Sunday Learning | Communicating Ideas Though Story-Telling with Nancy Duarte - TED talk


At Find New Customers, we reserve Sundays for learning. Our goal is to empower YOU to come away with new insights and ideas - in just 20 minutes or less.TED logo

Nancy Duarte of Duarte Designs is one of the best graphics experts in the world. We at Find New Customers are huge fans of their work for Apple and top companies, so this TED talk caught my eye. Hope it does yours too.

She talks about the ability to communicate your ideas can truly change the world. It’s hard. You have to spread your ideas.

Jeff Ogden is President of the b2b demand generation and global marketing company, Find New Customers. On weekends, he is a dad, husband and avid (but lousy) basketball player and sports nut.

  • Nancy Duarte

    Thanks for the compliments. I appreciate your post.

    • Jeff Ogden

      Happy to do it, Nancy. You guys do fabulous work!

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